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February 2024 – Inspiring Inclusion – Help for FGM victims – Tea & Temptations – Contact Card – Surrey Care Trust

Inspiring Inclusion

This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is ‘Inspiring Inclusion’

We are meeting on the Bedser Bridge in Woking on 27 February 2024 at 11.00

Join us there!

Help for FGM victims

We will beat our target of knitting 20 blankets for women helped by the Hamlin Fistula Hospital in Ethiopia.  The women – some of them very young – have suffered physical damage because of the practice of FGM (female genital mutilation).   Our blankets offer physical warmth and comfort while in hospital and when they go back home.

Tea & Temptations

SI Woking will hold a Fashion Show with Afternoon Tea on Saturday 6 July 2024 in Mayford Village Hall.

The proceeds of the event will be shared between Surrey Care Trust and Let’s Read.

Contact us for more details.

Contact Card for Surrey

SI Woking’s message: Stay safe, always carry personal emergency numbers on a separate card, not just in your smartphone’.

We continue to raise awareness in Surrey about staying safe.  Writing your personal emergency contact numbers down and not relying only on your smartphone or your memory helps to ensure you aren’t stuck if your phone or your memory lets you down.

Use our Contact Us form if you would like to know more about our Contact Card.

Surrey Care Trust

We were delighted to welcome Sian to our February 2024 Social Meeting.  She gave us a compelling and informative talk about the amazing work of Surrey Care Trust.  The Trust supports young people and adults in local communities.  Building their confidence and skills helps them to create better chances for life, learning, and work.  Find out more about the essential work of Surrey Care Trust here