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June 2024 – Electoral Wishes – Great Big Green Week – Domestic Abuse – Purple Community Fund

Electoral Wishes

There will be national elections in early July, so now is the time to think about what you would like the next government to do for women and girls. An opportunity to imagine the future.

Domestic Abuse

Woking Borough Council June newsletter includes a reminder about the risks of domestic abuse:

“Football doesn’t cause domestic abuse, but incidents can increase or become more severe around key matches.

Domestic abuse affects people of all genders, ages, ethnicities, abilities and income levels and it can happen in any relationship. It can take many forms, including psychological and emotional abuse, coercive control, economic and financial abuse, stalking and harassment, physical violence and sexual abuse.

Whatever the situation, domestic abuse is never acceptable. For help and support call Surrey’s Domestic Abuse helpline on 01483 776822 or call the national helpline 0808 2000 247 available 24/7. In an emergency always call 999.”

Great Big Green Week

We were glad to see that Woking Environment Forum (We-Act) had a full schedule of events for Great Big Green Week.  This was also an opportunity to look to the future. So We-Act organised a walk around Woking to stimulate ideas about a town that could be greener and more citizen-friendly in the future.

June Social Meeting

Our speaker, Fitore Pang-Kessler, spoke on behalf of North Surrey Domestic Abuse Services. She is the Communities Outreach support worker for this organisation. North Surrey Domestic Abuse Services support anyone affected by domestic abuse, and their children, who live in the boroughs of Elmbridge, Spelthorne and Epsom and Ewell. thought, especially about the gaps in provision and need for improvements.  Giving help is a complex matter and there is no quick fix.  Unfortunately North Surrey Domestic Abuse Services does not have secure long-term funding.

Fitore Pang-Kessler gave us much food for thought, particularly in view of the upcoming general elections and the priorities we might hope to see a new government set.

Purple Community Fund

The Purple Community Fund is a charity that is regularly supported by SI Woking & District.

At the June meeting of the Southern Region of Soroptimist International, Jane Walker MBE Founder and CEO of The Purple Community Fund, gave an update on activities.   Jane described how she came to devote so much of her time to the people of the Philippines who make a living from sifting through rubbish dump waste.  She realised that there could be a way to improve their income by using the ringpulls from metal cans.

Jane brought examples of the products made – the ingenuity shown and design flair is brilliant!  By selling them, young people, for example, can pay for school uniform and so go to school.  Their life prospects are much better. find out more about Purple Community Fund here.