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Soroptimist Conference, Liverpool 25 – 27 October 18

Food for thought!

Last year at Conference in Cardiff a group of members from SI Bangor and District collected unwanted packed lunches on Friday and Saturday.These were distributed to the homeless on the streets and city centre on Friday. On Saturday they were taken to the Salvation Army Hostel and given to the residents at the hostel. We were thrilled to think that five parcels of sandwiches and approximately 75 packed lunches that would have been thrown away were given to people in need.

This year we hoped unwanted packed lunches would have been distributed to the homeless in the city during the Liverpool Conference. Sadly not so! So again members from SI Bangor delivered four large boxes full of unwanted packed lunches to the Salvation Army hostel. They were delighted to receive them as they were used to feed the 38 residents.

When our club organises any event which involves the possibility of leftover edible food, our organisers plan at the outset to ensure excess is taken to a homeless shelter at the end of the event….we hope our examples will also encourage other Soroptimist event organisers  to plan similarly where possible.