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15.5.22 Cors Dyfi beaver family reunite

Vicki welcomed Adrian Lloyd Jones, Living Landscapes Manager / Welsh Beaver Project Manager, North Wales Wildlife Trust to our meeting via Zoom recently who gave an extremely interesting and informative talk about 30/30 and the re-introduction of beavers to Wales. He explained that the 30/30 project is the aim of having 30% natural habitat in the UK by 2030. He was also passionate about re-introducing beavers to Wales and explained the benefits this would provide to our countryside.

Following on from the release of the male beaver, ‘Barti’, and his son in late March, the mother beaver has now been reunited with her family group. The whole beaver family is now together at Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust’s beaver enclosure within Cors Dyfi Nature Reserve.
Cors Dyfi: beaver receiver! | North Wales Wildlife