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Friendship Evening

Friendship Evening


Members of SI Bangor were joined by members from SI Anglesey, SI Dyffryn Conwy and SI Llandudno at their wine tasting friendship evening on March 3rd. Members were invited to taste six different wines and try them with different foods to discover how the wine could enhance the food or not as in some cases. During the evening cheques were presented to representatives from the Itala Foundation, Action for Children and RNLI charities, the result of fundraising events by SI Bangor.  The photograph shows Laura Williams receiving a cheque from Yi Jones who had organised an event to raise money for the charity Action for Children.

SOS Event 2015

SOS Event 2015


This year the members of SI Bangor decided to prepare nutritious home-made soup for the homeless of Bangor as their SOS event. Rather than a Saturday of service, different members delivered soup on three separate days during one week in order to maximise the number of people they could help. There were many different soups e.g . sweet potato/coconut and chilli, vegetable and lentil, leek and potato and butternut squash and ginger to name but a few. Donations of food from Morrison’s and Lidl were also given to help the people living at the hostel.

Action for Children

Action for Children


On December 1st a wine tasting evening was arranged by member Yi Jones in order to raise funds for the Action for Children charity. A representative from Action for Children attended the evening and told the group that the money raised would provide the young carers with respite and activities that would be beneficial towards their caring role. During the evening members sampled eight different wines with a variety of food items in order to discover how the food could influence the taste of the wine. A very interesting evening enjoyed by everyone.

Teams 4 U

Teams 4 U


The members of SI Bangor have supported the work of Teams 4U by filling 38 shoe boxes with items suitable for a boy, girl or family.  The boxes were delivered to a collection point on November 19th by member Anne Griffiths before she herself prepared to travel out to Romania on December 11th to take part in the distribution of the boxes. All the members at SI Bangor are looking forward to hearing about her trip when she returns.

Bucket Collection

Bucket Collection


In October, members of SI Bangor spent a day carrying out a bucket collection at Morrisons in Bangor.  As a result, Christmas gift bags were prepared for women in the refuge and Christmas food bags for twelve families under the care of carers outreach. A monetary donation was given to St Mary’s,( the Hostel for the Homeless) plus fresh food thanks to member Ceri Edwards who had been selling hand knitted scarves.

Fundraising Dinner for RNLI

Fundraising Dinner for RNLI


On September 4th Jenny Watkin-Jones of SI Bangor hosted a summer supper for the members of Bangor and their friends in order to raise funds for the RNLI.  It was a warm, sunny evening and guests were treated to a two course meal prepared by Jenny and Vicki Williams. Everyone agreed delicious food, good company and lovely surroundings made for a very happy evening enjoyed by all who were present.

Beach Clean

Beach Clean


On September 13th, 5 members of Bangor Soroptimists met at Aberogwen Reserve (Gipsy Corner) to do a beach clean. We managed to collect 10 bags of rubbish along the shoreline, ably assisted by Richard from Friends of the Earth and Mr Gibbs from the North Wales Wildlife Trust. It was really worthwhile and we all had a great deal of fun, as well as contributing to the Environmental Programme goal.

6 Festival Portmeirion

6 Festival Portmeirion


On September 8th, 5 members of Bangor Soroptimists went to the end of 6Festival at Portmeirion and were able to collect 5 boxes of food, 23 tents, 8 sleeping bags, 4 fleecy blankets, 2 bedrolls, a groundsheet and many tent pegs, all of which were taken to Bangor’s Homeless Hostel on Love Lane, where they were received with great enthusiasm. 8 airbeds and 3 folding chairs were taken to the North Wales Housing Association on Dean St and received with thanks. This really was a day of fun and friendship which also helped our community.

‘Bring a Bra’ Evening

‘Bring a Bra’ Evening


On June 3rd members of SI Bangor brought along all their unwanted bras and deposited them in the BCR bras bank.  The bras collected will be recycled by BCR and sent to Africa,  where bras remain too expensive to produce.  They are sold on which helps small businesses in the developing countries.  BCR then donate £1000 for every tonne of bras collected (9000 bras) to “Against Breast Cancer” for their dedicated research to improve the detection and survival of breast cancer, based at the University of Westminster, London.  Mrs. Yi Jones has a ‘bra box’ in her Nail bar business in Upper Bangor and would welcome any good quality bras to donate to the charity.