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Summer Charity Fair 2023

Summer Charity Fair 2023


President Marianne, SI Bangor & District presented Anest Jeffery, Trainee Rehabilitation Officer at The North Wales Society of the Blind with a cheque in the sum of £320.00.   This money was raised at the annual Summer Charity Fair at Beaumaris on Sunday 27th August.  The event is organised by the Rotary Club, Bangor.   Many thanks to all members of SI Bangor and friends who very generously contributed to the stall – we are extremely grateful for your continued support. Diolch/Thank you Picture –  President Marianne Jackson, SI Bangor, Olga Evison SI Bangor and Anest Jeffery, North Wales Society of the Blind  

Painting the World Orange

Painting the World Orange


The 25th of every month is Orange Day, and SIGBI have launched a new initiative starting 25 May 2023, for Soroptimists to hold an Orange Cafe to raise awareness to end violence against women and children. Each month a  group of members ‘paint the world Orange’ in Cafes around Bangor.  February 2024                 January 2024           September 2023             August 2023 Cafe meet up August Summer Gathering theme                      July 2023 Cafe meet up           May 2023 Cafe meet up          

World Youth Skills Day 15.7.23

World Youth Skills Day 15.7.23


SIGBI Day of Action 15th July and in recognition of World Youth Skills Day President Marianne had the privilege of meeting Queen’s Guide and Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award holder Bethan Hughes Evans and exchanged Girl Guiding stories Bethan is off to Sangam in India end of September and will be representing Wales .. we’re proud to be able to support Bethan and will hear all about her adventures when she comes to speak to us next May

Joining in the Wild Weekender!

Joining in the Wild Weekender!


We joined the Wild Weekender! From 28th April to 1st May, which brought together people to sow, grow, and create habitats that benefit wildlife and people. Whether it’s a garden, a balcony, a community space, or a single pot, any outdoor area can become a thriving haven.  The WWF, the RSPB and the National Trust have come together for the Save Our Wild Isles campaign which is an urgent call to all of us to unite and take action for its recovery. Our club secretary made up some wild flower seed packets which members took away to plant and contribute to increasing our wildlife habitats

Period Poverty Project

Period Poverty Project


A very generous donation of sanitary products were taken to the Regional meeting on Saturday 20th May for Regional President Susan’s project on tackling Period Poverty.  Bangor’s collection has been donated to the food bank in Caernarfon  and will be distributed to the local community helping to alleviate period poverty.  Many thanks to Rhian for transporting to the food bank centre. .

Ty Gobaith donation

Ty Gobaith donation


Members of SI Bangor presenting cheque to Beverly Bradley,Ty Gobaith in the sum of £1,000 from monies raised over the summer months. This weekend that amount will be match funded therefore a sum of £2,000 will be received by the Hospice.

Annual Charity Fair on the Green

Annual Charity Fair on the Green


The Annual Charity Fair was held on the Green, Beaumaris on Sunday 28 August 2022. It was again, very well organised by Bangor Rotary and very well attended. We had two stalls – one for the North Wales Society of the Blind which raised £180 and a Healthy Treat/Chocolate Tombola which raised £121 for St David’s Hospice Many thanks to all who contributed towards both stalls.