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Amnesty Canterbury Speaks at Club Meeting

Michelle, centre, pictured with SI Canterbury President Carol Townsend and members of our Amnesty team.
Michelle, centre, with SI Canterbury President Carol and members of our Amnesty team.

Michelle Owens, Women’s Right’s Leader, Amnesty International, Canterbury was the guest speaker at our  Club meeting on May 25th.

SI Canterbury and Amnesty Canterbury have formed a partnership to help protect and further the rights of women and girls and to enable our two local organisations to better support each other’s work. Our members were therefore delighted to welcome her to our club and hear about the work of Amnesty .

Michelle explained that the Canterbury group are part of the organisation Amnesty International UK, standing up for human rights across the world – wherever justice, freedom, fairness and truth are denied. 


In a stimulating talk she told us a little about the history of Amnesty International as well as the Canterbury branch, which is currently focusing on the Philippines and what they are doing to help protect and defend Human Rights.

Michelle then told us more about the work of the Women’s Rights team, which SI Canterbury supports with monthly letter writing campaigns. We then discussed how we can further support the group and work together to advance women’s rights.

If you have an interest in human rights and would like to get involved with Amnesty Canterbury’s work, group meetings are held at 7pm on the second Wednesday of every month (except August) at Friends Meeting house, 6 The Friars, Canterbury CT1 2AS. The next meeting is Wednesday 14th June 2017.

image3The perpetual candle for Amnesty International at Canterbury Cathedral sponsored by Amnesty Canterbury.