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Raising Awareness of Modern Day Slavery

Canterbury members raised awareness of modern day slavery on Anti Slavery Day 2017.

Manning an information stall on Canterbury High Street, members shared stories and statistics about the frequency and effects of slavery and trafficking in our local communities.

Many shoppers and visitors were  shocked to learn about local prosecutions of traffickers who forced slaves to work in car washes and fruit farms. Kent is a transit hub for this terrible trade and local police have made slavery their highest priority, a fact which surprised some people.


SI Canterbury has an active Anti Trafficking team which works hard to raise awareness of the issue within our local community and beyond.

As a club, we also support the Medaille trust, a charity which aims to end the trafficking and enslavement of women, children and men. They operate safe houses, including one in Kent, and outreach services providing support and help to people freed from trafficking situations.

For more information about the trust visit their website: or their facebook page The Medaille Trust@Medaille Trust.