Nature Quiz
Nature Quiz
SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL OF CIRENCESTER AND DISTRICT GLOUCESTERSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST PRIMARY SCHOOLS NATURE AND WILDLIFE QUIZ 2014 The GWT’s annual Primary schools Nature and Wildlife Quiz is organized from the Trust’s Education department and covers the whole County which is divided into eight areas – North Cotswolds., South Cotswolds, Stroud,Dursley, Tewkesbury , Cheltenham, Gloucester and the Forest of Dean. Each area is administered by volunteers who organize the schools in their particular area. Here in the South Cotswolds we have a large number of schools widely dispersed from Birdlip to Lechlade which are organized by Cirencester Soroptimists and has been ongoing for many years. As Nature as such is not taught as it used to be, we have found that Nature clubs are extra curricula activities in most of our schools and are a direct result of the Quiz. Volunteer parents and teachers organize these groups after school and they have become very active in providing wildlife experiences that inspire children to take direct action for