SI Crieff members get busy
Covid19 Government guidelines has meant that our club has been unable to meet, but two of our members, Janice Wilson and and Sybil Galbraith are keeping busy making masks for the Perth and Kinross area.
International Women’s Day 2020
Support for Local Climate Change Demonstrators
A number of Soroptimists also supported pupils from local schools at the climate change demonstration in James Square the following Friday. (L – r Janice Fraser, Julia McVey, Katie Lang, Mary Knox, Christine Perry)
Support for Perthshire Women’s Aid
Soroprimist Day
SI Crieff have fun at Comrie Fortnight Opening Ceremony
SI Crieff get to work on their flower bed in MacRosty Park
Last week, 5 Crieff members spent a morning transforming the SI Crieff adopted flowerbed in MacRosty Park, generally tidying it up and adding some colour. There are plans for an SI Crieff sign to be ‘planted’ asap too. Meanwhile here are a few ‘before, during and after’ pics.
Second charity chosen for SI Crieff
SI Crieff members visit United Nations in Geneva
Three of our members, Janice Wilson, Katie Lang and Christine Perry recently made a visit to United Nations in Geneva. This was a fantastic opportunity for our members, all agreed that the visit was extremely informative and they were made to feel most welcome by SI members in Geneva. A special mention goes out to the Geneva SI members who organised emergency care for Christine Perry when she broke her hip in Geneva. Christine is making good progress and we hope to see her at the club again soon. You can read Janice’s report in Spotlight on News 10, or click the link below. Spotlight Report United Nations