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Candlelit vigil for the Army Public School in Peshawar.

Candlelit vigil for the Army Public School in Peshawar.


The Soroptimist International of Dublin Club joined many others in a candlelit vigil to commemorate the terroritst attack on the Army Public School in Pesawar. On 16 December 2014, 9 gunmen affiliated with the Tehrik-i-Taliban (TTP) killed 145 people, including 132 schoolchildren, all boys ranging in age between eight and eighteen years of age. Mourning of killing of innocent school children in Peshawar incident continues in the capital as citizens, representatives of civil society, human rights organizations, teachers, students, traders, and politicians continue ti hold candle lit vigils, protests and offering funeral prayers

SI Dublin Girls Public Speaking Competition

SI Dublin Girls Public Speaking Competition


Well done to all participants representing 7 Dublin schools at our Public Speaking competition on Saturday at the Oak Room at the Mansion House. We had 2 winners Rebecca Ross representing Castleknock Community College and Erica Fenner representing Notre Dame, Churchtown. The runner up is Aisling Ruigrok of St Joseph’s of Cluny, Killiney. We were honoured to have Dublin Lord Mayor Councillor Christy Burke drop in to wish all the girls well. The winners will participate in the Regional Final in Athlone on the 8th February.

Irish Girl Guides Defibrillator Presentation 30th September 2014

Irish Girl Guides Defibrillator Presentation 30th September 2014


SI Dublin presented The Irish Girl Guides their new defibrillator today. 10 members of Irish Girl Guides National Office staff and one of the principle volunteers in the organisation received 3 hours training this morning on CPR for both adults & children and the use of an AED (automated external defibrillator from Irish Heart Foundation Trainer Brigid Sinnott. The defibrillator was presented to Linda Peters, CEO Irish Girl Guides by SI Dublin member Anne Harrington.

Irish Heart Foundation Fundraiser, Howth Yacht Club.

Irish Heart Foundation Fundraiser, Howth Yacht Club.


Heart Disease and Stroke are the largest cause of premature mortality, death and morbidity or long term disability among people in Ireland. The Irish Heart Foundation has a team of 43 staff and more than 2,000 volunteers throughout Ireland. The Foundation is funded almost entirely by donations. The Irish Heart Foundation works in 5 ways to significantly reduce the impact of Heart Disease and Stroke. 1.Research 2.Pre-Hospital Emergency Care 3.Education 4.CVD Prevention 5.Patient Support Soroptimist International of Dublin Club was delighted to host our Presidents lunch at Howth Yacht Club in aid of the IrIsh Heart Foundation.  A wonderful afternoon was enjoyed by Soroptimist members, their families and friends and €1,462.00 was raised for their charity.