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2024 New President

President for 2024-25

Ann McCarlie was elected as Club President for the coming year with Estelle Holligan taking on the role of Vice President.

Photo show Past President Eva Mozolowska, President Ann McCarlie and Vice President Estelle Holligan

President’s Remarks

When I first took on the role of President elect I was asked if I had any ideas about what my theme would be for the year would be. Having thought about it for several months and  discussing it with various people I eventually came up with the theme of “Myth -Busters”. Why this theme?

We now live in a world saturated by information from a myriad of sources and it is becoming increasingly difficult to identify what is fact and what is misinformation. So I thought we might look at a small number of areas and at what we think we know about those subjects and how that knowledge is informed. At our planning meeting there was a wealth of great suggestions for topics, speakers and events. We will also coordinate the topics with Programme Action, the 5 Ps, SDGs etc. and I am looking forward to a really exciting programme for next year.

In a packed planning session we also discussed becoming more visible in the community and identified the need to have a focus on increasing membership both in number and breath during the course of the year.

In the meantime, we have the Charter Lunch, Summer BBQ and Summer Outing to look forward to.

One last thing – I had identified Dress for Success as my President’s Charity and suggested a clothes drive as a fun evening. However we did hear about the urgent needs unfolding in the Tigray region of Ethiopia and agreed to immediately donate funds to Mary’s Meals to support their work there

Charter Lunch

We had our Charter Lunch at Garvock House Hotel in June this year and enjoyed good food and friendship.

Long Service Awards

At the AGM Long service certificates were given to Margaret Dow for 25 years service. Estelle Holligan for 30 years service and Linda Craig for 40 years service.