Are you taking care of you?
Are you taking care of you?
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Are you taking care of you? Top Tip 1 Are you taking care of you? If there is just one thing we learned in 2020, it is just how important being and keeping healthy is. Yes, that means looking after you! According to Public Health England, many women have suffered from mental distress as a result of covid and accompanying increases in workload. So, we asked Soroptimist East London wellness experts Fola and Narayani for their top tips for taking care of you (without spending lots of money or time) in 2021. We’ll be writing them up in a number of blogs. In this blog we talk with Fola and Narayani and explore their top tip 1: get outside - even if it's just out the front door! Top Tip 1: Get Outside! Get Outside and Keep physically fit Fitness and Pilates instructor Fola Ademoye