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President Pat’s Blog on Opening Session

What an amazing sight! Looking out from the stage into the vastness of the auditorium of the Sage Centre was awesome.

Before going into the auditorium to join the Soroptimists who had gathered from around the world, Conference Committee Chair Margaret and I had welcomed The Lord Lieutenant and his wife, as well as the Mayor of Gateshead. As we approached the auditorium the Girl Guides were lined up with the flags of the Federation to welcome us.  They did us proud as they showed each country’s flag, and the whole audience rose to welcome the UN flag accompanied by International Programme Director Hilary Ratcliffe and the Soroptimist International flag accompanied by International President Ann Garvie. It is always an emotional experience to see those flags but the depth of feeling was so much greater as I greeted each flag and its guide carrier.

The Queen and Prime Minister had sent greetings along with others and we were warmly welcomed to Gateshead by the Mayor.

Club Presidents welcomed us to Newcastle and related tales about your President which should never have been shared!!!!

The crowning glory of the evening was State Express Five who had everyone rocking in the aisles. I loved seeing everyone joining with the music to set the Conference off to a buzzing start.

I look forward to an exciting programme tomorrow as we start with the Red Square. The Mayor has even said he will join us in his red robes.