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Tree dedication in Pollok Park to celebrate 90 years of Soroptimists in Glasgow

Tree dedication in Pollok Park to celebrate 90 years of Soroptimists in Glasgow


During the summer months, Glasgow City Council gifted a tree to celebrate 90 years of Soroptimists in Glasgow. Two previous trees had been gifted for significant birthdays but unfortunately they did not survive, one due to vandalism and the other died. As this lovely tulip tree is now mature we hope that this tree will survive for Glasgow Soroptimists to celebrate 100 years. The tree is located in Pollok Park near the National Trust of Scotland’s property Pollok House in Glasgow and a plaque detailing the reason for the dedication has been sited at the base of the tree. Members enjoyed viewing the tulip tree on a dry sunny Saturday in August.

Summer outing – visiting the Digging In project in Pollok Country Park

Summer outing – visiting the Digging In project in Pollok Country Park


For Glasgow City S.I.’s summer outing, President Myrtle and members visited the Digging In Project in Pollok Country Park located in Glasgow. Allied and German trench systems from World War One have been reconstructed in the Park. Going down into the trenches gave us a small insight into what it must have been like to live in the trenches during the war. Soldiers were billeted there for 4 weeks at a time in primitive conditions which must have been extremely difficult particularly in winter weather. Interestingly there were differences between the construction of the 2 systems.   The growing of some crops nearby for giving them therapy as well as sustenance was a revelation to many of us. Visiting the Project was well worth the visit.  

Fun and Fundraising with Glasgow City S.I.

Fun and Fundraising with Glasgow City S.I.


A Royal quiz, bottle exchange, delicious buffet, conversations and laughter were the ingredients that, mixed together, resulted in a successful last meeting of this session on 20th June. It was a happy occasion at which we welcomed new members and also presented one Soroptimist visiting Glasgow from Nigeria with a gift from the Club. A thoroughly good time was had by all and we were delighted that the bottle exchange raised £138 for the International President’s Appeal – “Women, Water and Leadership”.   We wish everyone an enjoyable summer and look forward to the start of the new session which begins on 5th September.  

Members of SI Glasgow City take part in a Walk to mark World Environment Day 2018

Members of SI Glasgow City take part in a Walk to mark World Environment Day 2018


On Sunday 10th June, members of SI Glasgow City took part in an organised walk in the West End of Glasgow to raise awareness  of  World Environment Day 2018. They were joined on the walk by family, friends, members of the SI Paisley Club and Glasgow members Sheena and Annie’s dogs! The mile long walk mapped out by Moira Ord, one of our Club’s Programme Action Convenors, wound its way through leafy Kelvingrove Park, along Kelvin Way, University Avenue, Byres Road and ended at  the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum. As they walked, participants collected litter, filling several large bin bags in the process. Walkers wore the Suffragette colours, white, green and violet, in support of the marches in the UK’s 4 Capital Cities, commemorating the centenary of the granting of the vote to some women, which were also taking place on that Sunday and

Courage Calls to Courage

Courage Calls to Courage


On a recent visit to London Glasgow City Soroptimist members took advantage of the opportunity to photograph the newly unveiled statue of Millicent Garrett Fawcett in Parliament Square, as well as the  much older statue of Edith Cavell, opposite the National Portrait Gallery near Trafalgar Square. Two incredible women, both courageous, but in different ways. Edith Cavell saved the lives of many wounded soldiers of both sides in WWI and  was executed by the Germans in 1915 for  assisting allied soldiers to escape from occupied Belgium. Millicent Garrett Fawcett was a prominent Suffragist for women’s right to vote in the early years of the 20th century and was leader of the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies. It was a time for courageous women: a third photograph was taken in Govan, Glasgow, of the recently unveiled statue commemorating the role played by Mary Barbour in

Building Bridges at the Scotland North & South Joint Conference 2018

Building Bridges at the Scotland North & South Joint Conference 2018


A number of Club members attended the recent Scotland North and South Joint Conference held in Stirling on the 14th of April. The theme of the conference was ‘building bridges’ and the speakers approached this with a range of topics. Keynote Speakers One of the key note speakers was Mariet Verhoff-Cohen, President of Soroptimist International – who spoke on her President’s Appeal for the 2017-2019 biennium, Women,Water and Leadership. Mariet is recognised as an expert on the topic of water and how it impacts the lives of women and girls globally. She stated that more than 600 million of the world’s population lack ready access to safe water and sanitation and because they are the primary water carriers for their families, water scarcity affects women and girls disproportionately. The hours they spend daily fetching water prevents them from attending school and impairs their ability to

Vintage Fashion Show raises £1,700 for Mercy Ships!

Vintage Fashion Show raises £1,700 for Mercy Ships!


To celebrate 90 years of Soroptimists in Glasgow the members of Soroptimist International Glasgow City put on a fashion show and raised £1700 for Mercy Ships, the world’s largest charitable floating hospital. The Soroptimists acted as models wearing a variety of vintage outfits displaying what women wore from 1860 to 1988. Most of the outfits were modelled by ladies aged 60-90 showing you can look glamorous at any age. Soroptimists are part of a global movement working to educate, empower and enable opportunities for women and girls, helping them to achieve their potential. A cheque was presented by President Madeleine to Mary Smith, a representative of Mercy Ships, at a recent club meeting in Glasgow.  

February Club meeting featuring the charity ‘Street Child’

February Club meeting featuring the charity ‘Street Child’


At our February 7th meeting, the members heard from Isla, who volunteers with Street Child, while studying fulltime at university in Glasgow. Street Child’s urban programmes work with street-connected children and their families. The social workers identify children working or living on the street, and help them return home. They also work with the family to help the children go back to school. With Street Child’s support and an educational grant children can return to school immediately and then work with the family to set up a sustainable business so that the family can stay in their local area. Families receive an initial start-up grant for the business and are given training and financial advice by Street Child’s business officers. The families are encouraged to save money in an incentivised saving scheme to provide for their children’s education long-term. Over 85% of businesses started by

Christmas dinner at Loks Bar and Kitchen

Christmas dinner at Loks Bar and Kitchen


Our Club’s Annual Christmas Dinner at Loks Bar and Kitchen on 13th December was attended by 28 members and 1 guest. This was our first Club event at Loks and the restaurant did not disappoint. The function suite was appropriately decorated and was served by a well – stocked private bar, the 3 course festive meal was delicious and the table service excellent. Santa was made very welcome when he dropped in to deliver presents for everyone and was himself given a present . The enthusiasm with which everyone joined in the carol singing added to the feeling of community. By all accounts a good time was had by all and a return visit has been requested by members!

Friendship Evening celebrates 90 years of Soroptimism in Glasgow

Friendship Evening celebrates 90 years of Soroptimism in Glasgow


Members of SI Glasgow City were delighted to welcome 17 non Soroptimist guests at the recent ‘Friendship Evening’ celebrating 90 years of Soroptimism in Glasgow. The evening, which was structured to allow ample time for guests to meet and chat with members, started with the cutting of a birthday cake by Liz, a member with over 45 years of service, and Annie, our most recent member. After Soroptimist International Scotland South Regional President, Pat, had proposed a congratulatory toast to the 90 years of Soroptimism in Glasgow guests, members listened to two short presentations by club members. The first being a short history of Soroptimism in Glasgow over the past 90 years, while the other outlined a recent member’s experience of being a Soroptimist. Long service awards were presented to Club members Anne and Ruthmary in recognition of the 35 years service each had given