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16 Days of Activism – December 9 – Sexual Harassment Day

16 Days of Activism – December 9 – Sexual Harassment Day


As more women find space at the work place, and make positive progress towards leadership roles, they are faced with challenges. Women are targeted for their gender and for progressive roles they have adopted. Female employees suffer harassment. Laws of Prevention of Harassment at work place are in place but more needs to be done. #Soroptimists call for an end to violence against women NOW!

16 Days of Activism – December 8 – Sexual Exploitation Day.

16 Days of Activism – December 8 – Sexual Exploitation Day.


#Soroptimists will not tolerate sexual exploitation. We call for no tolerance to such violations of human dignity. Sexual exploitation is exploitation of a woman /girl and her body, and child sexual exploitation that leads to child prostitution. Such activity engrains stereotypes and often leads to harmful discrimination. Raise your voice against such exploitation. Join our movement and stand up for women and girls  #Orangetheworld, at #Generationequality.

16 Days of Activism – 07 December – Discrimination Against Women in Rural Communities Day

16 Days of Activism – 07 December – Discrimination Against Women in Rural Communities Day


Today we rise for the hard toil and struggle of women in rural communities who compose almost 50% of the agricultural work force. This unpaid labour is coupled with their responsibilities to their homes. Gender-based discrimination and the suffering from the impact of climate change and disasters affect them disproportionately. Soroptimists call for equity and equality for rural women. #Orangetheworld, at #Generationequality.    

16 Days of Activism – December 6th – Ending Femicide

16 Days of Activism – December 6th – Ending Femicide


In 2022, the 16 Days of Activism Campaign is continuing its multi-year theme of Ending Femicide. To learn more, view the Femicide Advocacy Guide to learn more and sign the petition to declare December 6 the International Day to End Femicide. The campaign is also working closely with other CWGL initiatives to build on the previous multi-year theme on ending GBV in the world of work. The Global 16 Days Campaign, launched by the Center for Women’s Global Leadership (CWGL) and feminists from around the world at the first Women’s Global Leadership Institute in 1991, has been used worldwide to call for the elimination of gender-based violence (GBV). It is run annually from November 25 (International Day Against Violence Against Women) to December 10 (International Human Rights Day).

16 Days of Activism – December 5 – International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development

16 Days of Activism – December 5 – International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development


Soroptimist International is a volunteering organisation transforming lives of women and girls. This is also our Day when we with volunteers of the world celebrate the work for economic and social development in our communities. Such organizations work on peace, justice and embrace the Sustainable Development Goals. #16daysofactivism when we #Orangetheworld

16 Days of Activism – December 4 – Child Marriage Day

16 Days of Activism – December 4 – Child Marriage Day


#Soroptimists believe that child marriage is often the result of deeply entrenched gender inequalities. We, vouch for educating girls and crafting them to lead – marriage is a deterrent to those aims. Child marriage threatens the lives, the well-being and the future of girls. #Soroptimists will fight against this violation of child rights and for the education of girls so that they develop their full potential. #16daysofactivism when we #Orangetheworld

16 Days of Activism – December 3 – Violence Against Women with Disabilities Day

16 Days of Activism – December 3 – Violence Against Women with Disabilities Day


Women with disabilities are more likely to be subjected to violence than non-disabled women. Accessing justice and support and protection services is often impossible for women with disabilities because of accessibility, legal and other barriers.  Women and girls with disabilities rightly demand enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms. #Soroptimists call for an end to violence against women NOW!   #16daysofactivism #Orangetheworld  

16 Days of Activism – December 2 – Abolition of Slavery Day

16 Days of Activism – December 2 – Abolition of Slavery Day


Today there is more slavery in the world than in any other time of history. An estimated 40 plus million people are in modern slavery. #Soroptimists focus of all forms of modern-day slavery, through their projects worldwide. Raising awareness of widespread and multiple forms of slavery is the first step during #16daysofactivism we #Orangetheworld Join our movement and stand up for women and girls  

16 Days of Activism – November 30 – Human Trafficking Day.

16 Days of Activism – November 30 – Human Trafficking Day.


Human Trafficking is a transnational activity that involves the exploitation of humans through repeated sale. #Soroptimists worldwide raise awareness of exploitation of which more than half are women and girls #16DaysofActivism looks at this gross violation of human rights. Trafficking is prevalent is almost all countries and accounts for the fastest growing business in the world. Raise awareness about the signs. #Soroptimists call for an end to violence against women NOW! With #Orangetheworld  #EndHumanTrafficking