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Platinum Appeal celebrates “Number 63’s” 70th Anniversary

Platinum Appeal celebrates “Number 63’s” 70th Anniversary


Number 63, the Soroptimist Hotel in Central London celebrated its 70th Anniversary last year. The hotel holds a Gold 3 – star guest accommodation rating and occupies a prime location at 63, Bayswater Road, London, opposite Kensington Gardens, affording easy access to many of London’s tourist attractions. The hotel is open to the public and offers residential accommodation in 16 rooms along with 3 meeting rooms equipped with state-of-the- art facilities for business and social events. Bookings can be made, and further information obtained, by visiting To mark the 70th Anniversary of Number 63, an appeal – the Platinum Appeal – was launched in November 2018, aimed at raising £700,000 for further modernisation and enhancement of the hotel to ensure that it is updated for future generations. Information about the ways in which Club members, family, friends and well-wishers can contribute to the Appeal

Glasgow City S.I. welcomes a new member!

Glasgow City S.I. welcomes a new member!


At a recent meeting, Glasgow City S.I. welcomed our newest member, Maggie to the local club and to Soroptimist International more widely. Maggie immediately gave the club a fascinating and compelling presentation on the 1951 Refugee Convention and it could be updated and how a system which is fit for purpose for women and girls might be created. The Convention defines the term ‘refugee’ and outlines the rights of the displaced, as well as the legal obligations of States to protect them. Many feel the Convention is out of date and needs to be re-written to reflect today’s priorities and needs. This excellent presentation was a wonderful introduction to Maggie and her club members look forward to working with her in the years to come.

Raising Awareness and taking Action

Raising Awareness and taking Action


President Myrtle and joint Programme Action Convenor, Moira, manned a stand in Hillhead Library on Saturday 8th December to publicise Humanity and Inclusion’s “Stop Bombing Civilians” campaign. Patrick Brady, MP for Glasgow North, visited the stand and is pictured with Moira and Myrtle who are both wearing orange in support of the UN’s 16 days of activism for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Myrtle and Moira felt that their time in the library had been well spent as they were able to raise awareness of both issues, secure a considerable number of signatures for the “Stop Bombing Civilians” petition and they also took the opportunity to hand out club leaflets to several ladies.  

They came and enjoyed the (fundraising) Cabaret!

They came and enjoyed the (fundraising) Cabaret!


In its long history, Glasgow’s Merchants’ House may have hosted many a tea party but Saturday’s Soroptimist Matinee Cabaret Fundraiser for Mary’s Meals must surely be unique. More than one hundred guests were welcomed to the event by President of SI Glasgow City, Myrtle Peterkin. Elegant and eloquent as ever, she outlined Soroptimist principles and reminded the gathering that the event was in aid of Mary’s Meals for their continued services in providing a daily meal, in schools, to 1.3 million children in 17 of the world’s poorest countries. The entertainment was given by husband and wife team Gordon Cree and Cheryl Forbes, both outstanding soloists, whose powerful voices filled The Grand Hall with favourite melodies from musical shows, traditional refrains and comic songs performed with evident enjoyment to the delight of the audience. While our talented duo took a break, guests enjoyed a chat

Soroptimist 3S Trust recipient shares her experiences in Nepal with Raleigh International

Soroptimist 3S Trust recipient shares her experiences in Nepal with Raleigh International


Following receipt of some funding from the Soroptimist 3S Fund, Rhona travelled to Nepal earlier in 2018 with Raleigh International, where Rhona and fellow students were responsible for digging and creating new latrines for a remote mountain village. Rhona now classes as ‘digging’ as an accomplished skill!! The students also taught the villagers about general hygiene, while Rhona and the other female students taught the women and girls about hygiene during menstruation including the making of re-useable sanitary pads.   The second part of the trip was a trek through the Nepalese Himalyas. Rhona found the whole experience extremely rewarding and humbling. The villagers in Nepal had little choice in what food they could eat, the clothes they could wear and what work they would undertake. When Rhona returned home to Scotland she was overwhelmed with all the choices in her day to day life,

SI Glasgow City members learn about Cahira House

SI Glasgow City members learn about Cahira House


Aileen spoke with members about Cahira House, a safe refuge for women who have experienced sexual exploitation. The charity is based in the Central Belt of Scotland and provides residential accommodation for around 6 women, along with support services such as counselling.   Cahira is an Irish word meaning ‘warrior’, which is how the staff and volunteers view the women who live at Cahira House as they have had to ‘fight’ to survive. The organisation receives no government funding and is supported mainly by donations.

SI Glasgow City members support Glasgow based food bank

SI Glasgow City members support Glasgow based food bank


In October to support the UN Day for the Eradication of Poverty  Club members donated food items to a foodbank in Northwest Glasgow. The total weight of the donations was 42kgs, which would provide 46 meals. At the Club meeting, members discussed some questions related to poverty internationally, nationally and within Glasgow. The members were shocked to hear that in 2017 it was estimated that one in three children in Glasgow were living in poverty.

SI Glasgow City members attended recent Lord Provost of Glasgow’s coffee morning in support of Macmillan Cancer Support

SI Glasgow City members attended recent Lord Provost of Glasgow’s coffee morning in support of Macmillan Cancer Support


Some members of SI Glasgow City recently attended the Lord Provost of Glasgow’s coffee morning to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support. The September event, which is the month that Macmillan Cancer Support encourage us to support the ‘World’s Biggest Coffee Morning’ was held in the awe inspiring Glasgow City Chambers. Club members and other attendees were entertained by the Byres Road Big Band and a fashion show by Marks and Spencer while enjoying beverages, scones and cakes. Two members were successful in the raffle, receiving a bouquet of flowers and a voucher for John Lewis. At the end of the event the Lord Provost, Councillor Eva Bolander announced that £4500 had been raised.

Tree dedication in Pollok Park to celebrate 90 years of Soroptimists in Glasgow

Tree dedication in Pollok Park to celebrate 90 years of Soroptimists in Glasgow


During the summer months, Glasgow City Council gifted a tree to celebrate 90 years of Soroptimists in Glasgow. Two previous trees had been gifted for significant birthdays but unfortunately they did not survive, one due to vandalism and the other died. As this lovely tulip tree is now mature we hope that this tree will survive for Glasgow Soroptimists to celebrate 100 years. The tree is located in Pollok Park near the National Trust of Scotland’s property Pollok House in Glasgow and a plaque detailing the reason for the dedication has been sited at the base of the tree. Members enjoyed viewing the tulip tree on a dry sunny Saturday in August.

Glasgow’s Lord Provost , Eva Bolander, welcomes President Myrtle and Club member Frances to the City Chambers

Glasgow’s Lord Provost , Eva Bolander, welcomes President Myrtle and Club member Frances to the City Chambers


President Myrtle and Club member Frances met with the Lord Provost of Glasgow on Wednesday 6th June for an informal chat about the contribution that our Club has made, and continues to make, to many aspects of life in Glasgow. If you would like to learn more about our Club, please visit the Our Club page or contact us.