Betty Sylvia Sudgen Obituary
Betty Sylvia Sudgen Obituary Betty Sylvia Sudgen died on 21 January 2016. She was a member of SI Harare from 5 May 1958 until her death. She was an honorary member of the club, an honour bestowed on her on completion of 40 years as a member. Betty qualified as a Veterinary Surgeon in July 1944 at the Royal Veterinary College in London where she met her future husband, Dick, who left veterinary college to join the RAF. They were married in April 1945 and their son Richard was born in February 1947. The family came to the then Rhodesia in December 1955 and Betty worked as the small animal practitioner with Pete Moll (an Onderstepoort graduate) who took care of the large animal work. After his return to South Africa Betty took over the practice with two other vets. They worked up the practice to