The Club is delighted to win the Yorkshire Women Volunteer Award for its community service project to combat loneliness. For the last 17 yrs. we have worked with Contact the Elderly. The Club Service Project, led by Elsie Johnston in Harrogate and Wetherby and Tricia Chapman in Ripon, involves Club members and other volunteers hosting tea parties once a month usually in their own home. Other members give lifts to pick up the elderly lonely people referred to us by Contact the Elderly to and from tea parties. The guests tell us how much they look forward to their afternoon treat and often leave with goody bag for a little something extra later. (Corporate Category)

We were delighted to meet up with all the individuals and groups who are involved in making a difference to the lives of others at the Award Ceremony held in Leeds on the 10 May.

We are also delighted Club member Sue Williams was also short listed for her leadership of the Libraries Project – providing craft materials to encourage families with young children to use the local volunteer run libraries. Sue and Club members have worked very hard to build relationships with the libraries and have involved the local Lions and Masons who have been willing to help fund the project (Community Category).
