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Up in the skies and down to earth – Club members attend Yorkshire Conference

Club members spent a fantastic day at the Yorkshire Air Museum when we attended the  Soroptimist International of Yorkshire Conference on 29th June. The theme of conference was, ‘From Behind the Scenes to the Front Line’. We were privileged to hear from Iris Newbould, now 94 yrs old and full if vim, and her life as young Land Girl.

Iris Newbould with SIGB President Sue Williams
Iris Newbould with Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland’s President Sue Biggs and Club members Judith and Lesley

WW2 like WW1 opened up job opportunities for women. Corporal Katherine Height gave us an insight into what’s life like now for a woman serving in today’s RAF.

Corporal Katherine Height with Yorkshire President Pat Kilbane
Corporal Katherine Height with Yorkshire President Pat Kilbane


The 29th June is Armed Forces Day. and at 12.10 a Hurricane provided a Fly Past tipping it’s wings on the 3rd Approach. So emotional. It reminded us of all the sacrifices Iris’s generation made ‘just doing our job’ to give us a future.

Hurricane Fly Past
Hurricane Fly Past

Club members attending Yorkshire Conference

Excellent representation from SI Harrogate & District  with 14 members attending and nearly all clubs in Yorkshire represented.  Very enjoyable entertainment from Club member  Di and Jen who got all of us singing ‘the famous 2nd World War song, ‘We’ll meet again’. It was an honour to meet our speakers including our guides. The  staff at the museum looked after us very well.

photos courtesy of  Pat Shore