What are we doing during the Covid-19 Lockdown? Many of us may be isolated in our homes but Harrogate and District Soroptimists are busy despite the COVID-19 lockdown. Club members are working together to support NHS and front line staff during the #covid-19 pandemic. Zoom is helping us to stay in touch and our buddying system ensues regular telephone contact with members.
It’s business as usual.
Some members are using their sewing skills and making much needed scrubs for the NHS with the Harrogate Scrubbers. From the basic material to three sets ready for the front line.

Fifty Pamper Bags are now distributed to NHS staff staying at local hotels and front line staff working at Harrogate District Hospital. The NHS Nightingale Field Hospital is now stood down but in place should it be need.

Domestic violence is on the rise during lockdown. Ten single bedding sets (duvets, pillows and sheets) requested by the local refuge will help women set up new homes. Women’s Refuge and raising awareness of the help line .
Many more families are having to use the food banks therefore Club members are donating food and money to our local food bank.
These are difficult times but working together is making a difference. There is a sense of community through working with other organisations.
Thank you
Harrogate Scrubbers for responding to the call for more Personal Protection Equipment – scrubs, gowns, hats and bands. Donate here
Asda and Boots for discounting the products for Pamper packs
Simon Cotton – HRH hotels in Harrogate for co-ordinating the response to finding places where NHS and front line workers can stay whilst in Harrogate.
And above all – Thank you to all the staff in health and social care. Also not forgetting those who are doing their everyday jobs to keep the country going. The shops workers, public transports, utilities, postal services etc.