President Sandra and Club members welcomed Linda Davis, Yorkshire Region President to their AGM held by Zoom on the 21st of April. Sandra will be continuing as Club President till October. This is due to the impact on many of the Clubs planned events. Despite this, the Club’s raised over £2000 for her chosen charity Just B. This included a Zoom Burns Night supper, Club member Maureen taking part in the Great North Run and a lot of knitting! Just B is the bereavement service that is part of Saint Michael’s Hospice.
Long Service Awards
It was a special night as the Club celebrated the long service of three of its members who have served a total of 115 years between them. Val Hills, joining the Club 25 years ago, Dorothy Taylor joined 40 years ago and is the Clubs longest serving member. And of course, Janet Haywood, who joined the Club in 1988 but has been a member of SI since 1971, 50 years ago. All received certificates signed by Johanna Raffan, President of Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI).

Janet also received a special certificate to acknowledge she is one of the 100 women showcased on the SIGBI Centenary website #WhoisShe?. She has made a significant contribution to Soroptimism as the organisation celebrates its Centenary Year. Janet is the author of the, ‘History of Soroptimist International‘ published in 1993. It is still the ‘go to’ book to find out about the organisations history. The Club is delighted that Janet, who has not been well recently, was able to be present at the meeting and read the ‘Objects of Soroptimist International’.
New Members
The Club is continuing to flourish despite lockdown. We recently welcomed four new members with two more joining next month. Face to face meetings combined with Zoom will start in July at the Crown Hotel on the 1st and 3rdWednesday of the month.
Looking further – An Evening with Caroline Hawley
Caroline Hawley, well known to anyone who watches the BBC’s Flog it and Bargain Hunt, will be joining us at our next Zoom Just B Fund Raiser on the 14th May. Caroline will talk about her life as an Auctioneer and TV celebrity. She will also provide an insight into the value of some of the items submitted for her to have a look at. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.
Club Members Val Hills and Dorothy Taylor receiving their Certificates from President Sandra.