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Resurrected Bites – Better in Bellies than Bins

Left to Right: President Val, Polli, Michelle and Club member Janet

Resurrected Bites

Hot from her interview with Katherine Jenkin on the BBC’s  Song of Praise Michelle Hayes, founder and CEO of Resurrection Bites  gave us a fantastic insight into the organisations incredible work. Making sure surplus food ends up in ‘Bellies not Bins”.

Starting up

It is shocking that 30% of  food in the UK ends up going to waste whist some families are struggling to put food on the table.  Michelle talked about the two cafes and community grocery stores the charity has set up in Harrogate and Knaresborough since early 2018. She explained how the Covid pandemic had affected their plans.  But, how they had quickly adapted. And, between March 2020 and July 2021 they had delivered food and other essential items to the equivalent of 15808 people in the Harrogate area. Michelle also explained  the aims of Resurrected Bites were: to prevent food going to waste,  to tackle food poverty, to tackle loneliness and isolation and to raise money to support this important work.


The original ‘Pay as you feel’ café and store began at St. Mark’s Church, Harrogate, followed by a second one at Gracious Street Methodist Church, Knaresborough. Visit their website to find out the opening times.

Gracious Street Cafe

Community Groceries

Michelle also spoke about the community groceries. This is run through a subscription scheme for people on a low income. So, for a small annual fee, families can have access to the shop and pay a very low rate for whatever they buy. It costs just a fraction of a normal supermarket shop and it saves thousands of tonnes of food from going to landfill every week.


President Val chosen charities are to support local food banks and the Trussell Trust.  Resurrected Bites certainly meets this criteria and, we have already donated surplus chocolate oranges.Resurrected Bites happy to receive surplus Chocolate Oranges  The Club will be transfering £150 to Resurrected Bites to support them in their fantastic work.