Where did September go? I feel Autumn is truly upon us now and I have actually got the quilted long coat out!
Rangoli Radio
I started September by going, as a guest of my friend’s Pamela Clare (PC) to the 3rd anniversary event of Rangoli Radio station. Rangoli Radio CIC was established in October 2020 with the aim of creating a community radio to serve the Hindu community in Yorkshire. The radio station reaches out to different communities to entertain, educate and enable the Hindu community
- to reduce social isolation for the elderly
- provide information on community events and the support available
- be a source of learning and a sense of attachment to Hindu culture for the younger generation and to help them find their full potential.
I was very inspired by their values which I felt are very close to our own, the community work they are involved in and it was an opportunity for us to create a new friendship link.
PC had been interviewed by the Presenter, Sangeeta Rana (seen in the photograph) as part of her Inspirational Women programme and was very interested in knowing more about Soroptimists, who we are what we do etc by being interviewed on the radio.
If you would like to know about Rangoli Radio, here is the link to their website – https://rangoliradio.com/
This month, I have enjoyed planning with fellow members some of our forthcoming events and I have also been focusing on working with Officers on our club business requirements, the latter are things we need or must do as a SIGBI membership club.
Club Activities update for September

I was delighted to meet with our Young Woman in the Community winner, Grace Hughes with Sandra J. to discuss and agree the musical
entertainment content for our 91st charter lunch. What an amazing talent and for those who will be joining me on 12th October at Walshford, you are in for a real treat! Thank you to Lesley, Maureen, Janet M. and Sheila for all your hard work this month, I cannot believe the lunch is nearly here and that our plans are all coming together.
It was great to join fellow members Liz S. Sheila, Sylvia, Janet M. Sylvia, Lesley and Christabel at this month’s luncheon club, organised by Janet M. held at Horticap’s cafe. The food was very tasty, and we overcame the issue of not being able to pay by card! Thank you Liz S and Sheila for the lifts whilst my car was in the garage having it’s windscreen replaced!
White Knights Yorkshire Blood Bikes
What an amazing and inspiring speaker, Matthew Beynon-Tullet from Whiteknights Yorkshire Blood Bikes was. I was totally unaware of the breadth of service they provide, out of hours and at weekends and how much the National Association of Blood Bikes save the NHS each year.
I can certainly agree that they do make a difference
If you missed the meeting, you can find out further information at Whiteknights well worth a look, as you never know when you might need this “invisible” service.
Saturday 21st September was a busy day for me. I attended with 9 other members the Regional Council Meeting at The Bridge Inn, Walshford. As your regional representative, I have written a separate report on this, which will be my last one, as Sheila will take over the role at the next regional council meeting in November. Wishing you all the best Sheila, I hope you will enjoy the role as much as I have.
Then in the evening, I pulled on my walking shoes, grabbed my bag of glitter pots,
picked up my friend Sarah and went to volunteer at St Michael’s Hospice Midnight Glow Walk 2024. What a fantastic evening glittering faces and then walking 10K! It is always a pleasure and a joy volunteering for and participating in the activities of one of my personal charities. I understand the event raised over £27,000, so it is brilliant to know the donations given in exchange for glittery faces contributed towards this.
And yes, I have to mention the “C” word! Chief Elf asked me to meet with herself and her Elf helpers. It was a fun and giddy meeting as we started planning this year’s Christmas Party on 11th December 2024 at The Inn, South Stainley. All I can say is that it will be a fun filled and entertaining evening. I look forward to welcoming you all to the party. For new members and as a reminder our Chief Elf is Liz S, her helpers are Sue W., Sue S., Christabel, Sylvia, Janet M and Liz F.
Lights, Camera & Makeup
And finally, I started my blog talking about my friend Pamela Clare (PC). PC was interviewed by Sangeeta about her work as a make-up artist in film and television. I am so pleased that PC has agreed to be our Guest Speaker in October and will be giving us an insight into how make-up is used within the industry and in particular the use of prosthetics. She will need 3 volunteers to demonstrate her craft on, so if you are willing to volunteer please let Hilary know. This picture shows, just some of her varied work with a brush!