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Summer Outing in Beautiful Nidderdale at Whittakers Gin Distillery

Summer Outing in Beautiful Nidderdale at Whittakers Gin Distillery

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  Whittaker Gin and Whiskey Club members and a couple of Soroptimisters  enjoyed a wonderful evening in beautiful #Nidderdale tasting Whittakers Gin on 19th June. The distillery, based at Harewell House Farm in Dacre Banks, Harrogate, started in 2019. Toby Whittaker welcomed us with a glass of gin and tonic or non alcoholic alternative as we sat in the evening sun. He gave us a guided tour of the distillery and spoke about the processes of making Gin and Whiskey. All the different flavours of Gin were explained.  Toby then took us into the area where  many casks of Whiskey were Maturing.  The casks, in order to produce the best flavour were amazingly expensive with some coming from the USA, Spain and Madeira. Gin Tasting This was followed by tasting 8 Gins, with very tasty Pork Pies and nibbles followed by delicious Pepperoni and Margareta

The New Zealand Garden – Valley Gardens, Harrogate

The New Zealand Garden – Valley Gardens, Harrogate

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  At our last speaker meeting on the 15th May, Sue Wood, Horticultural Development Officer for North Yorkshire Council, gave a fascinating insight into the history and development of the New Zealand Garden, in the English Heritage Grade 2 listed Garden,  Valley Gardens in Harrogate. Sue is also a judge for various agencies including Britain in Bloom and the RHS specialising in tender plants. Sue described herself as a ‘plantaholic’ in her role for NYC. She gave a very interesting and illustrated presentation about the original development of the New Zealand Garden within Valley Gardens in the 1950s, including its links to Wellington, Harrogate Town Twinning and the Royal New Zealand Air Force. And, its revival and re-planting in 2023. Sue described the difficulties and challenges in creating a garden using native New Zealand plants in cold and wet Yorkshire soil.   The garden’s revival

Annual General Meeting and Change of Office

Annual General Meeting and Change of Office

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What a Year! Our 90th year closed at our AGM on the 17th April. We thanked President Pat for leading us through our wonderful celebrations. Pat thanked all the members for what we have achieved and our very active Programme Action projects. We welcomed new President Christine, President Elect Sheila and Vice President Heather. Regional President Susie presented Long Service Awards to Janet, Nicola, Judith, Liz, Sylvia and Sue – nearly 200 years in total. Val was honoured to accept Honorary Membership of the Club for her service to the Club, Region and Federation. A great evening and we are looking forward to a year of Focus on Programme Action and Fun and Friendship.#Harrogate #ripon #boroughbridge #wetherby #knaresborough Resurrected Bites Toilet Twinning Dementia Forward Saint Michael’s Hospice The Trussell Trust Soroptimist SIGBICare in Action – Турбота в Дії Who is who – Centre: President Christine

President’s Blog – April 2024

President’s Blog – April 2024

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 President’s Blog –  From President Christine Anderson W.A.W.W.- What A Wonderful Way to start our 91st charter year, at our AGM on 17th April 2024, here’s a quick resume of the evening: Thanking President Pat for her leadership and support through our amazing 90th year, I personally could not have imagined celebrating our 90 years without Pat at the helm Seeing Val receiving her honorary membership, it is really well-deserved as Val is a truly inspirational Soroptimist, who I have learnt so much from. Receiving the chain of office and the warmest of welcomes and support as the Club’s new President Welcoming President Elect Sheila and Vice President Heather and electing this year’s new Team Members, Jennifer, Liz F, Janet M and Irene Launching our theme for this year. The 3 Fs – Focus, Friendship and Fun Celebrating a collective 195 years of service by

Harrogate and District Soroptimists – 90 Years through the Decades

Harrogate and District Soroptimists – 90 Years through the Decades

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Club members captured on film,  ‘Our History’ from 1933 till present day. Follow the links to find out more. Introduction – Click here to visit on YouTube Here are the links – 1930 –  Janet Hutton –  SIGBI ONLY 1940 –  Sue Williams and 1950 –  Meg. 1960 – Sylvia and 1970 –  Jennifer. 1980 –  Christine 1990 – Sandra Frier 2000 – Sandra Jowett and Denise Newby and 2010 Heather Shipman 2020 –  President Pat

Charity Shop Christmas Shop Window Competition – Harrogate District Results

Charity Shop Christmas Shop Window Competition – Harrogate District Results

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Harrogate and District Soroptimist were delighted to welcome the award winners of the annual Charity Shop Christmas Window Competition to their meeting at the Crown Hotel on the 6th of December.  The Mayor of Knaresborough, Cllr.Hannah Gostlow with Club President, Pat Shore MBE, presented the Award Certificates. The judging took place in three zones.  Harrogate Town; Ripon with Boroughbridge and Knaresborough with Starbeck and Bilton. THE criteria used is Innovation, Impact and Spirit of Christmas. The Soroptimist Cup is awarded to the overall winner. This year’s winner of the Soroptimist Cup is Sue Ryder Charity Shop in Knaresborough. Their window display was an eye-catching mannequin with a Christmas tree skirt. The judging was very close this year. We are always amazed at what the managers and volunteers achieve with limited resources. Zone Winner – Harrogate Town Gold Award: ​​Shelter, Commercial Street Silver Award: ​​Yorkshire Cancer

90th Anniversary’s Charter Lunch

90th Anniversary’s Charter Lunch

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The Club, one of the oldest Clubs in Yorkshire Region, celebrated its 90th year since being chartered with a lunch. We were honoured to welcome the King’s representative, the Lord Lieutenant of North Yorkshire. Johanna Ropner. Also, Soroptimist International  President Maureen Maguire, SI Great Britain and Ireland President Cathy Cottridge and SI Yorkshire Region President Jane Glendinning. We were delighted that our Friendship links from Arlon in Belgium and Milford Haven in Wales also joined us. Over 100 people attended. With Club Presidents from all over Yorkshire. The event, held at the Masonic Hall provided a wonderful opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones. Club member Lesley Berry caught the essence of the weekend with her poem. Followed by  a sing a long with songs from every decade with Jonathan Hills at the piano and President Pat’s granddaughter singing ‘To make you feel

90th Charter Weekend – What a fantastic time on Saturday

90th Charter Weekend – What a fantastic time on Saturday


What a wonderful weekend we had on 14-15th October. It started out with the Premier of our specially commission film about the history of the Club over the last 90 yrs.  This took place while we ate afternoon tea at the Crown Hotel in Harrogate. Soroptimist International President Maureen Maguire and Soroptimist International President of  Great Britain and Ireland Cathy Cottridge honoured us with their presence. Also, Members from our friendship links from Arlon in Belgium and Milford Haven in Wales.  We then rocked the night away to the music of Last Orders at the Masonic Hall in Harrogate. And, finally we celebrated our Charter Lunch on Sunday with over 100 guests on in the presence of the Lord Lieutenant  of North Yorkshire. A very memorable weekend. Premier of Film and Book to Celebrate 90th Charter Anniversary The Crown Hotel in Harrogate provided the perfect

Mary Fisher MBE JP- A sister Soroptimist too

Mary Fisher MBE JP- A sister Soroptimist too

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The Club is celebrating its 90th year since we were chartered in 1933.   Our Club archivists,  Rachel, Judith and Nicola are busy going through our archives held at County Hall in Northallerton.  We have many photos but some with no names or dates. Lesley, our Communication team leader posted photos on the Historical Harrogate and District  Facebook page.  Val Hills, recognised one of the faces and thought it may be Mary Fisher. In March we spoke about Forgotten Women. This included Mary Fisher MBE JP. Val, has been doing a lot of work about Mary the first lady mayor of Harrogate. It is our quest for her to be recognised with a Brown plaque. Could this be her, was she a Soroptimist or just visiting the Club? Mary’s granddaughter, Anne,  contacted the Club after the an article about Mary appeared in the Harrogate Advertiser