Charity Shop Window Competition – The Results
Harrogate and District Soroptimist were delighted to welcome the award winners of the annual Charity Shop Christmas Window Competition to their meeting at the Crown Hotel on the 7th December. The Deputy Mayor of Harrogate Borough, Cllr. Robert Windass and Club President Val Hills, presented the Award Certificates and the Soroptimist Cup to the overall winner. The judging took place in three zones. Harrogate Town; Ripon with Boroughbridge and Knaresborough with Starbeck and Bilton. This year the judges were joined by Cllr Mark Flood, the deputy Mayor of Knaresborough and Linda Birkinshaw a local artist from Ripon. This year’s winner of the Soroptimist Cup is Shelter, Harrogate. Zone Winners – Harrogate Town Gold Award: Shelter, Commercial Street Silver Award: Martin House Hospice Shop, Commercial Street Highly Commended. Saint Michael’s Hospice Shop, Cold Bath Road, Cancer Research UK, Oxford Street and Yorkshire Cancer Research, Oxford Street

President’s Blog – September
Welcome to my September/ October Blog, Cost of Living Crisis Thank you to Club Members who’ve donate blankets/throws/ hot water bottles, flasks and hats for the Harrogate District Food Bank. I know this will help make a difference. People are already struggling to get by and though the energy cap will help, some of them will still have to make a choice between heat and eat. 5 Ladies and a bus call Bertha I know that many of us where shocked at the death of HM The Queen on the 8th September. The news had just been released as I travelled with Jennifer to the Knaresborough Library to listen to Sue Williams reading from her newly published book. There was a good Soroptimist turn out and it was an enjoyable evening. We are looking forward to the next instalment. A few of us raised our

5 Ladies and a bus called Bertha
The Club is delighted to announce the Book Launch of 5 Ladies and a Bus called Bertha, written by our very own Sue Williams. The book is available to buy from Amazon. Sue will donate all profits to Be shared between Dementia Forward Toilet Twinning The Trussell Trust and Soroptimist SIGBI. It promises is an excellent and fun read.

President Blog – Summer
Welcome back. Meetings start again on 7th September. I hope everyone has enjoyed summer despite the heat that at times felt overwhelming. The Climate certainly seems to be changing. We may not of met during August but we certainly have been busy. If you are not a member and are interested in finding out more about our Club and organisation email sihandd@hotmail.co.uk Toilet Twinning in Wetherby On the 25th July and I was delighted to meet the Mayor of Wetherby with Sue Williams and Heather Shipman to present the toilet twinning certificates that will be displayed in the public toilets at the town hall. We had great press coverage in the local paper too. A great start to our commitment to see Wetherby become a Toilet Twinned Town. Dementia

President’s Blog – March
Storm clouds gathered physically and metaphysically at the beginning of March. For the world, as Russia’s attack on Ukraine has led to the biggest migration of people since the Second World War; in the UK, as over a million trees were blown down in the successive storms; and personally, as a bout of Covid meant that I was unable to chair the March business meeting. Thank you, President Elect Pat, for deputising for me. The world has changed. The last two years have changed the way we live our lives as we return to the ‘new normal’ as the pandemic continues. The war in Ukraine has woken many of us to how quickly things can change from stability to absolute horror. I know that our Soroptimist sisters, especially in Poland but also other countries too are supporting the millions of refugees, mostly women and children

Annual General Meeting – Celebrating a busy year
The 89th Annual General Meeting took place at the Crown Hotel in Harrogate last night. The Club welcomed SI Yorkshire Region’s President Lindsay Green. Lindsay presented the 25 year Long Service Awards to Irene Kerr and Christabel England. A great achievement. Our new Vice President is Christine Anderson. She will also be the Club Programme Action Officer with Paula Newson Smith. Val Hills is continuing as Club President and Pat Shore is President Elect. President Val congratulated the Club on all it has achived over the last 12 months including raising over £11,000 for Just ‘B’ and achieving Toilet Twinning status for Harrogate Borough Council. Val also thanked the Club members for their support in raising over £700 for the The Trussell Trust #RaceAgainstHunger. The Club is looking forward to a busy 12 months and is delighted to have welcomed four new members in the

Resurrected Bites – Better in Bellies than Bins
Left to Right: President Val, Polli, Michelle and Club member Janet Resurrected Bites Hot from her interview with Katherine Jenkin on the BBC’s Song of Praise Michelle Hayes, founder and CEO of Resurrection Bites gave us a fantastic insight into the organisations incredible work. Making sure surplus food ends up in ‘Bellies not Bins”. Starting up It is shocking that 30% of food in the UK ends up going to waste whist some families are struggling to put food on the table. Michelle talked about the two cafes and community grocery stores the charity has set up in Harrogate and Knaresborough since early 2018. She explained how the Covid pandemic had affected their plans. But, how they had quickly adapted. And, between March 2020 and July 2021 they had delivered food and other essential items to the equivalent of 15808 people in the Harrogate area. Michelle

Memorial Weeping Elm Tree and Plaque surrounded by newly planted spring Bulbs
Harrogate and District Soroptimists had a busy few weeks. On 28 September we welcomed the Mayor and Mayoress of Harrogate Borough, Cllr Trevor and Janet Chapman to help us unveil a Memorial Slab for ‘Our Sisters’ at Stonefall Cemetery in Harrogate. And, one month later, five busy Soroptimist’s planted over 7000 spring flowering bulbs to surround our Memorial Weeping Elm tree. Harrogate Borough Council Horticultural Officer Sue Wood provided the expertise. Next Spring we are looking forward to a wonderful display of: Crocus Ruby Giant, Chionodoxa luc., Anemone blue s., Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star of Bethlehem) Muscari azureum, Pushkinia libanotica, Narcissus Jack Snipe, Scilla Mitschenkoana, Scilla Siberica Tulipa Turkestanica Please note the links to the flowers above are not recommendations to purchase – just to illustrate the flower type. Before – During & After

We’re back – First Club meeting in person for nearly a year.
It’s been more than a year but at last we are back. We celebrated our first face to face on 21 July. Our new venue is the Crown Hotel in Harrogate. Lots of fun and catching up to do as we enjoyed a meal and a drink. We played a couple of guessing games too including ‘Would I lie to you’. We also celebrated Pat Shore MBE recognition by Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI). She is one of some one hundred women who have made a difference by her commitment to the organisation and our Community. We are very proud that three members received the #WhoisShe? Award. President Sandra presented Pat with her certificate. Well done Pat and much deserved. It was great to welcome four new members who have joined since we were last able to meet in person rather