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President Blog – Summer

President Blog – Summer

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Welcome back. Meetings start again on 7th September.  I hope everyone has enjoyed summer despite the heat that at times felt overwhelming. The Climate certainly seems to be changing. We may not of met during August but we certainly have been busy. If you are not a member and are interested in finding out more about our Club and organisation  email Toilet Twinning in Wetherby                                 On the 25th July and I was delighted to meet the Mayor  of Wetherby with Sue Williams and Heather Shipman to present the toilet twinning certificates that will be displayed in the public toilets at the town hall. We had great press coverage in the local paper too.  A great start to our commitment to see Wetherby become a Toilet Twinned Town. Dementia

President’s Blog – March

President’s Blog – March

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Storm clouds gathered physically and metaphysically at the beginning of March. For the world, as Russia’s attack on Ukraine has led to the biggest migration of people since the Second World War; in the UK, as over a million trees were blown down in the successive storms; and personally, as a bout of Covid meant that I was unable to chair the March business meeting.  Thank you, President Elect Pat, for deputising for me. The world has changed. The last two years have changed the way we live our lives as we return to the ‘new normal’ as the pandemic continues.  The war in Ukraine has woken many of us to how quickly things can change from stability to absolute horror. I know that our Soroptimist sisters, especially in Poland but also other countries too are supporting the millions of refugees, mostly women and children

Soroptimists Stride Out to support Trussell Trust #RaceAgainstHunger

Soroptimists Stride Out to support Trussell Trust #RaceAgainstHunger

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The first two United Nation’s Sustainable Development  Goals are to; 1, Stop Poverty, 2, Zero Hunger.  In the UK families are going hungry because they cannot afford food. The Trussell Trust campaigns to stop the need for food banks.  It also works to ensure that families don’t go hungry by seeding Food Banks like Harrogate.  It has seen the demand increase from 200,000 food parcels ten years ago to over 2 million last year. All of us are facing higher cost of living due to energy and food price increases but if you are already struggling to make end meet more people may have to resort to visiting a Food Bank. The Club registered the Soroptimist Striders as a team who would join others throughout the UK on the 2nd April to RaceAgainstHunger by completing a 5K run/walk The money is raised by individual and

Resurrected Bites – Better in Bellies than Bins

Resurrected Bites – Better in Bellies than Bins

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Left to Right: President Val, Polli, Michelle and Club member Janet Resurrected Bites Hot from her interview with Katherine Jenkin on the BBC’s  Song of Praise Michelle Hayes, founder and CEO of Resurrection Bites  gave us a fantastic insight into the organisations incredible work. Making sure surplus food ends up in ‘Bellies not Bins”. Starting up It is shocking that 30% of  food in the UK ends up going to waste whist some families are struggling to put food on the table.  Michelle talked about the two cafes and community grocery stores the charity has set up in Harrogate and Knaresborough since early 2018. She explained how the Covid pandemic had affected their plans.  But, how they had quickly adapted. And, between March 2020 and July 2021 they had delivered food and other essential items to the equivalent of 15808 people in the Harrogate area. Michelle

Resurrected Bites happy to receive surplus Chocolate Oranges

Resurrected Bites happy to receive surplus Chocolate Oranges

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What to do with 18 chocolate oranges? Club member Maureen kindly donated these surplus to requirement oranges after our Fund Raising event  Wetherby Christmas Market.  With  local Food Banks unable to accept them as not boxed President Val contacted Resurrected Bites.  Resurrected Bites mission is to stop good food going to waste. They aim to fill bellies not bins, and to support individuals and families at the same time. So, delighted to accept the chocolate oranges. Food Banks We didn’t forget the Food banks. Busier than ever. We  raised over £500 to support them.  A great team effort at the Wetherby Christmas Market; Member Janet Hutton making delicious Christmas Cakes and Puddings, Sandra Frier selling fabulous Handbags and money in lieu of Christmas cards. We donated £300 to Harrogate and Knaresborough #Trussell Trust Food Bank. The money helped provide 30 Christmas Hampers for vulnerable families. £100 donated

Harrogate Soroptimists raise over £11,000 for Just ‘B’

Harrogate Soroptimists raise over £11,000 for Just ‘B’

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Immediate Past President of SI Harrogate and District, Sandra Frier, was able to present Just’B’s Community and Challenge Events Fundraiser, Sandra Gilbert, with a cheque for over £11000 on 21 December. President Sandra and members of the Harrogate and District Club had been fundraising for over 18 months mostly through the Covid restraitaints to raise money for the bereavement counselling arm of Saint Michael’s Hospice. From fashion shows through sponsored walksVirtual Great North Run – Maureen runs for Saint Michael’s Hospice and Just B to antique valuations online and an excellent on-line Burns Night. Sandra and her team worked incredibly hard to raise this money. President Sandra said “It felt quite emotional after such a long and difficult period to be able to hand over this money. Our members have worked so hard and been so supportive.”



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  St. Michael’s Hospice Shops, Harrogate Grammar School PTA and Soroptimist International of Harrogate and District teamed up last Saturday to produce a spectacular Fashion Show promoting sustainable fashion, at Harrogate Grammar School. The event organiser and  Club’s Immediate Past President Sandra Frier greeted The Mayor and Mayoress of Harrogate Borough, Cllr Trevor and Janet Chapman, Soroptimist International of Yorkshire’s President Lindsay Green. Just ‘B’ An amazing £7,200 was raised for Just’B’, part of Saint Michael’s Hospice. The Charity provides emotional well-being and bereavement support to children, young people and adults across North Yorkshire. Artisan Stalls Guests were able to browse and buy from a selection of Artisan stalls. Walking the Catwalk     Club members, volunteers from Saint Michael’s Hospice shops, students from Harrogate College and Harrogate’s own Miss Galaxy took to the catwalk.  The preloved clothes ranged from casual to evening wear. Up-Cycled

Flyer for Fashion Show
Fashion Show in Aid of JUST ‘B’ supporting bereavement services for children and adults

Fashion Show in Aid of JUST ‘B’ supporting bereavement services for children and adults

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Come and join us at our fabulous fashion show featuring preloved clothes from Saint Michael’s Hospice Shops. Get ready for Christmas at the Artisan Stalls. A chance to win £100 with the lucky ticket too. In aid of JUST ‘B’ providing bereavement services to children young people and adults throughout North Yorkshire. Contact to buy your tickets or buy direct from the selected Saint Michael’s shops listed below. Fashion Show FlyeHarrogate and District Soroptimist’s present a Fashion Show in aid of JUST ‘B’ Tickets £15 (£5 for under 18) Contact for Tickets or buy direct from Saint Michael’s Hospice Shops in Ripon, Kings Road, Harrogate, Station Parade, Harrogate or Cold Bath Road Harrogate. Just ‘B’ is part of North Yorkshire Hospice Care. Providing bereavement services for children, young people and adults across North Yorkshire  

Caroline Hawley
Caroline Hawley – Auctioneer and Antique Expert helps raise over £500 for Just ‘B’

Caroline Hawley – Auctioneer and Antique Expert helps raise over £500 for Just ‘B’

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  Raising funds for charity during lockdown is no mean feat.  That didn’t deter Soroptimist International of Harrogate and District’s President Sandra Frier. Looking for different ways to raise funds for her chosen charity Just ‘B’ Sandra approached regular Flog It and Bargain Hunt  expert Caroline Hawley. Would Caroline be interested to give a Zoom  presentation about her life as an auctioneer and TV regular? We were very happy when she said yes.  So, on Friday 14 May Caroline delighted us with her presentation that was both humorous and demonstrated her passion and knowledge. She also valued objects submitted by our guests and took questions.  A brilliant night with more than £500 raised for Just ‘B’.  Just ‘B’ is part of North Yorkshire Hospice Care working closely with Saint Michaels and Heriot Home Care. It provides bereavement services locally and nationally, So what did we learn?

Maureen at the end of the Virtual North Run
Club News – Just ‘B’ Just Giving Page now live

Club News – Just ‘B’ Just Giving Page now live

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JUST ‘B’ JUST GIVING PAGE We now have the exciting development of creating our Just Giving page with Just ‘B’. Just Click on Just B or follow the link below.  This will take you straight through to the page. Be assured that all money donated will go to supporting Just ‘B’ and its work in the community. Watch the youtube video about us and why we are supporting them. Please feel free to pass the link and this information on to friends and family. We have already raised more than £2000.  Help us reach our target of £3500. You will help support bereaved families.