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Wonderful summer outing to Tennants Auctioneers

Wonderful summer outing to Tennants Auctioneers

On a beautiful Midsummer evening, 27 members of the Club made their way up Wensleydale to Tennants Auctioneers in Leyburn. We were delighted that three members from Northallerton and Richmond were able to join us. As everyone gathered the shop enticed us, but exactly on time we were led into a beautifully appointed dining room for a delicious supper. We were joined by our host Rodney Tennant who welcomed us and then spent the evening with us. Conversation flowed over the meal and then we went upstairs to listen to Rodney talk about his life as an auctioneer and how he saw the future developing. From a small business based in Middleham, the years have seen amazing growth leading to the £9 million development that is there today. The facilities include not just the auction rooms but meeting rooms, theatre, display areas, a café and a restaurant,

Girl Guides – Redevelopment of Birk Crag Centre

Girl Guides – Redevelopment of Birk Crag Centre

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President Nicola Harding welcomed Sue Mackay, County Commissioner, Girlguiding for North Yorkshire West and Stuart Holland, Project Manager for the re-development of the Birk Crag Centre, to speak at the Club’s June meeting. When Sue highlighted the vision, mission and values of Girlguiding, it was evident that Girlguiding has a very similar vision, mission and values to that of Soroptimist International. The Vision of the Girlguiding 2020 plan is for ‘An equal world where all girls can make a positive difference, be happy, safe and fulfil their potential’. Soroptimist International ‘Is committed to a world where women and girls together achieve their individual and collective potential, realise aspirations and have an equal voice in creating strong, peaceful communities worldwide’. The second half of Sue and Stuart’s talk focused on explaining about the Birk Crag Centre and its current re-development project. For nearly 50 years, the

Meru Women’s Garden Project – raising awareness

Meru Women’s Garden Project – raising awareness

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Club members took the opportunity of a stand at the Ripon Cathedral Home and Garden Event held on the 8th April to raise awareness about the Meru Women’s Garden Project and sell some of the delicious Meru Herbs Jams and Sauces. A very busy day with lots of interaction with the visitors to the stand.  We sold out of most of the jams and the  Tomato and Chilli sauce proved popular too. The Meru Jams and sauces are available to buy from JTS ethical foods. JTS also donate 10p per jar to the Meru Women’s Garden project –  just let them know your are supporting the Soroptimist Meru Women’s Garden Project.

Find out more about our Club – Listen to our Podcast

Find out more about our Club – Listen to our Podcast

We are delighted to present our Podcast recorded by Stray FM during our International Women’s Day Event on the 8th March 2017. It will tell you more about the organisation, the Club, where we meet and what we do. Please contact us on if you would like further information. The Club meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at the White Hart Hotel, Harrogate.  

COFFEE MORNING – Starbeck Methodist Church raises over £100 for Craft Aid International

COFFEE MORNING – Starbeck Methodist Church raises over £100 for Craft Aid International


Starbeck Methodist Church,  raised over £100  for Craft International a local charity that works locally and globally by “Enabling, empowering & supporting differently-able people in the UK and overseas, creatively.” Local MP Andrew Jones popped in for some tea and cake too. .

International Women’s Day – 8th March 2017

International Women’s Day – 8th March 2017

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President Pat Shore and Harrogate and District Soroptimist’s were delighted to welcome people to the Wesley Chapel in Harrogate to celebrate International Women’s Day.  Jennie Levick, Soroptimist International Yorkshire President, welcomed everyone, with a reminder that this date, is one which has been marked across the world since 1908, as an opportunity to join hands together to celebrate the achievements of women. Stating that ‘130 million girls across the world didn’t get to school today’ was just one reminder which raised our awareness of the work still be to done to build a better world for women and girls. It was also an  opportunity to recognise the achievements of two inspirational young women from across our District. The Young Woman in the Community Award is given to those who have given outstanding service. President Pat Shore and the Mayor of the Borough Nick Brown were

The Work of Childline Zimbabwe

The Work of Childline Zimbabwe

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We were delighted to welcome people to our meeting on WEDNESDAY 15th FEBRUARY 2017 at 7.30 pm when Stella Motsi, National Director of Childline Zimbabwe and Dr Amanda Mason Jones, Senior Lecturer in Global Public Health, University of York who spoke on ‘THE WORK OF CHILDLINE ZIMBABWE’   Synopsis of talk. In February 1997, Soroptimist International of Zimbabwe (Harare) W/O 54/67, an International Women’s organisation with members in 115 countries decided after consultation and moral support from the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare, to establish Childline – Zimbabwe, to be run along similar lines to those agencies already operating in the UK, South Africa and elsewhere, but adapted to make it relevant and appropriate to Zimbabwe in the 21st Century. Using pictorial slides and a video of an actual case Childline Zimbabwe have handled, the talk  highlighted and provided an overview of the work of Childline Zimbabwe over

Charity Burns Nights Supper raises nearly £500 for charity

Charity Burns Nights Supper raises nearly £500 for charity

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Club members, friends and family chased away the January Blues  at our Charity Burns Night Supper on the 21st January 2017.  Venue NineteenNineteen provided a warm welcome for over 50 guests as we celebrated the life and loves of Robbie Burns. Diane Walsh led the procession as she piped in the Haggis, with the Address to the Haggis being superbly recited by Keven Millar, ending with the haggis being raised in triumph and greeted by the guests with rapturous applause and a tot of whisky! A very tasty traditional menu of haggis, neeps and tatties was enjoyed by all, thanks to the Soroptimist Team and the staff of 1919. The Speech to the Immortal Memory was given by John Shore, with the Humorous Toast to the Lassies, being given by Roger Frier and responded to in a similar vein by Irene Kerr. Between the speeches,

Wetherby Christmas Charity Shop Window Winner and Highly Commended

Wetherby Christmas Charity Shop Window Winner and Highly Commended

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                Harrogate and District Soroptimists are once again delighted to be supporting Welcome to Wetherby and organising the Charity Shop Christmas Shop Window Competition. The judging took place in early December against the criteria of Innovation, Impact and the Spirit of Christmas. The judges were impressed how the charity shops utilize their limited resources to create windows that appeal to young and old alike as well as entice customers into their shops. Three shops were short listed and invited to the Welcome to Wetherby Christmas Shop Window presentation at the Town Hall on the 15th December in the presence of the Mayor of Wetherby Cllr Norma Harrington. Club President Pat Shore was pleased to present the Winners Certificate to Louisa Alan, Manager of OXFAM. Martin House Shop and Cheshire Home Shop were also Highly Commended and presented with

Charity Shop Christmas Shop Window Competition brings Christmas Cheer

Charity Shop Christmas Shop Window Competition brings Christmas Cheer

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It must be Christmas when the annual Christmas shop window competition takes place. Harrogate and District Soroptimists are once again delighted to organise the  Charity Shop Window Competition; it was great to see so many shops getting involved. There were some super displays that really demonstrated innovation, impact and the spirit of Christmas. The judges were impressed in the time, effort and thoughtfulness that had gone into many of the windows. The winners were invited to the Harrogate Borough Mayor’s parlour in Harrogate on the 29th November to receive their certificates. The overall winner, Saint Michael’s Starbeck also received the Soroptimist International Shop Window Cup from President Pat Shore and the Cllr Nick Brown, the Mayor of Harrogate. The charity shops are one of the main sources of income for the charities they represent. They rely on volunteers. Kim, the manager of St Michael’s Hospice