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The Big Freeze 1947 – The Big Freeze

The Big Freeze 1947 – The Big Freeze

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Soroptimist International of Harrogate & District President Nicola Harding and member Judith Webb, welcomed David Davies to speak on ‘The Big Freeze of 1947’. David took us back to the aftermath of World War II in the United Kingdom with a really vivid insight into the hardships which faced the country as it continued to suffer chronic shortages of food and materials. There were serious crises affecting food, housing, fuel and sterling. Starting in 1946, the severe coal shortage had really set the scene – the main problem being our reliance on coal for 93% for all power needs. There were then protracted national strikes by the miners, pending nationalisation. Also in early January 1947 there was a national transport strike to add to the nation’s problems. Then on 23rd January 1947, the winter’s ‘Big Freeze’ really started, with much snow having already fallen. For