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Girl Guides – Redevelopment of Birk Crag Centre

President Nicola Harding welcomed Sue Mackay, County Commissioner, Girlguiding for North Yorkshire West and Stuart Holland, Project Manager for the re-development of the Birk Crag Centre, to speak at the Club’s June meeting. When Sue highlighted the vision, mission and values of Girlguiding, it was

Comfort Quilts for the Women’s Refuge

Club member, Tricia Chapman, has many skills, one of which is making quilts. Together with Cindy, Kip, Pat, Christine and Elizabeth, of the Yorkshire Yanks Quilt Group, plus the help of Tricia’s personal friends Beryl and Isabel, some wonderful quilts have been made for the

Find out more about our Club – Listen to our Podcast

We are delighted to present our Podcast recorded by Stray FM during our International Women’s Day Event on the 8th March 2017. It will tell you more about the organisation, the Club, where we meet and what we do. Please contact us on if

International Women’s Day – 8th March 2017

President Pat Shore and Harrogate and District Soroptimist’s were delighted to welcome people to the Wesley Chapel in Harrogate to celebrate International Women’s Day.  Jennie Levick, Soroptimist International Yorkshire President, welcomed everyone, with a reminder that this date, is one which has been marked across

The Work of Childline Zimbabwe

We were delighted to welcome people to our meeting on WEDNESDAY 15th FEBRUARY 2017 at 7.30 pm when Stella Motsi, National Director of Childline Zimbabwe and Dr Amanda Mason Jones, Senior Lecturer in Global Public Health, University of York who spoke on ‘THE WORK OF CHILDLINE ZIMBABWE’   Synopsis of