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Club Celebrates 83rd Charter Dinner

  The Club held our 83rd Annual Charter Dinner on 15th October at the Masonic Hall in Harrogate. President Pat Shore and the Club were delighted to welcome 85 guests including the Mayor and Mayoress of Harrogate and the President of Soroptimist International of Yorkshire

Behind the Scenes at Harrogate Theatre

Soroptimists of Harrogate and District were enthralled by Anne Cherry’s talk on the History of Harrogate Theatre. Anne had a wealth of historical information dating back to the days in 1900 when the theatre first opened. Anne has been actively involved with the theatre for

The chain passes to President Pat Shore

A beautiful sunlit evening provided the perfect setting for the Annual General Meeting and Change of Office.  Outgoing President Sue Williams conducted the AGM before passing the Chain of Office to Pat Shore. President Pat thanked Sue for all her hard work over the last