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Blog – Busy August and September

Club Blog August/September August August is the only month we don’t meet formally but that didn’t stop lots of activity taking place. Two of our members, Judith and Janet,  joined a coach load of Yorkshire Soroptimist who wended their way across the Irish Sea to

Garden Party raises £250 for Local Food Banks

A little drop of rain! The inclement British summer  certainly impacted  on many  planned outdoor events. Club member Audrey’s ‘Garden Party’ ended up ‘Indoors’ when the rain came down. So, 15 Soroptimists and 2 Soroptimisters  had to squeeze into Audrey’s lounge. It was very sociable,

Mary Fisher MBE JP- A sister Soroptimist too

The Club is celebrating its 90th year since we were chartered in 1933.   Our Club archivists,  Rachel, Judith and Nicola are busy going through our archives held at County Hall in Northallerton.  We have many photos but some with no names or dates. Lesley,

Wetherby Town Toilet Twinning Success

President Val was delighted to present the Mayor of Wetherby, Cllr Neil O’Byrne with the #toilettwinning certificate for Wetherby Town. The event took place at the Council meeting at the Town Hall. Club members Elsie, Hilary and Heather, all from Wetherby as well as representatives

President’s Blog March

President’s Report – March 2023 At last, the days are noticeably longer, and the spring flowers are bringing back colour to the hedgerows and gardens though we had a touch of winter on the 12th when snow fell but thankfully only made a brief appearance.