Supporting Wirral young carers
Environment Awareness
Tomorrow’s Women Wirral
Presidents 2020-21
Donations for Refuge
Members were happy to help when they heard that the residents at the Refuge were running low on toiletries and unable to shop. A collection was made and duly delivered!
Wirral Foodbank
As we were unable to meet for our Charity Dinner and AGM Dinner in April members donated the cost of these meals to Wirral Foodbank, part of Wirral Food Hub. The Hub is working to support the most vulnerable families in Wirral and food packages are being delivered to those isolated due to Coronavirus. A total of £770 was donated.
Osteoporosis speaker
Members of Soroptimist International of Heswall and District have been busy this year, yet another achievement is the completion of over 140 twiddlemuffs. Our target was 70, for our 70th anniversary, but our industrious members have managed to double that already, and there are still two months to go. At our meeting in February we presented 70 to Margaret Davies from the Dementia Unit at Arrowe Park, who confirmed they would be put to good use.
Toilet twinning success
Soroptimist International of Heswall and District are very pleased and proud to announce that we have succeeded in our aim to make Heswall a Toilet Twinned Town. Thank you to all the businesses and individuals who helped us achieve this. The Mayor of Wirral, Councillor Tony Smith and the Mayoress, kindly hosted us at the Mayor’s Parlour at Wallasey Town Hall in February for a formal presentation of the certificate. We then presented him with framed photograph of a toilet twin to place in a suitable place at the Town Hall.