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Soroptimist International - Kings Lynn

Soroptimist International of Kings Lynn is part of a worldwide organisation of women, which is linked to the United Nations.

Welcome to SI King’s Lynn




About our club…

We are a busy club with around 25 members, based in the historic town of King’s Lynn. We meet on the first and third Monday each month and welcome old friends and new members!  We enjoy trying out the fresh ideas and enthusiasm that comes with new faces.  Every year we enjoy a busy social calendar – our events often act as fundraisers for our chosen charities as well as a chance to enjoy ourselves.
Join us for our well-established annual literary lunch, fashion shows, quiz nights, Year 6 Public Speaking Competition and events to celebrate International Women’s Day, as well as travelling further afield to our Annual Conference – taking place this year in Edinburgh.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Non-members as well as friends old and new are welcome to our events.  Non-members can come along to a club meeting to find out more about the club by arrangement.
Our recent Fashion Show raised over £600 for our chosen charities – West Norfolk Befriending, Baby Basics and our sister club SI Krakow, which continues to support the Ukrainian population. We would like to thank Cheryl Daubney and the team from Allez Chic, and congratulate them on the excellent show of amazing outfits.
For more details on the history, our Milestones and background to the club Club History
Our club is part of the London Anglia Region  The region’s clubs meet throughout the year in Cambridge.  These meetings are a great chance to get to know people from across the region, share interests and socialise.

A cheque for £580 was presented by outgoing President Marion to Pippa May of one of our chosen charities, West Norfolk Befriending, at the 2024 Annual General Meeting.