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New President Annette and the Kiltwalk

New President Annette and the Kiltwalk


Annette worked as a midwife in Fife for 36 years ending her career in the role of consultant midwife where she was responsible for the maternity unit’s clinical governance agenda. She contributed locally, nationally and internationally to the promotion of quality maternity care, which is her passion. Following her retirement in 2017 she continued to work (until 2020) on a consultancy basis providing expert reports for pursuers and defendants as well as reviewing and contributing to the reports into the maternal deaths in the UK and Republic of Ireland. Annette supports various charitable causes including those with a focus on injustice, poverty, disaster and conflict. She is now fully retired including from her role as a therapist where her practice included reflexology, reiki, Indian head massage and emotional freedom therapy. Annette enjoys reading (is in 3 book groups!), is a passionate supporter of the arts,

Soroptimist Playing Cards – women who “Challenged”!

Soroptimist Playing Cards – women who “Challenged”!


The SI Scotland South Card Set, created and designed by Region Membership Officer Melanie Brickley, and developed by a team drawn from Clubs across the Region, was launched on International Women’s Day where the theme was ‘Choose to Challenge’.  The Set tells the stories of many women who have ‘challenged’, providing an opportunity to celebrate women’s achievements within our Region. This Set comprises a pack of cards and a booklet with biographical details of the women featured on each card, giving our Region the opportunity to mark 52 special women in a unique and original way. The end product is a useful gift for a speaker, a memento to keep, to share with friends and with our Friendship Link Clubs. The cost of the Set is £8.00 including UK postage. Overseas orders will be charged at cost plus postage. The Playing Card Project is not

Jenny and the Kiltwalk!

Jenny and the Kiltwalk!

in Tags

                                                                                                                                  Jenny at Dalgety Bay Jenny walked 15 miles along Fife’s beautiful Coastal Path on 3rd July as part of the Dundee Virtual Kiltwalk. She was walking to raise funds for the three-year Federation project, Empowering Girls in Nepal.  Jenny, who will be 80 in a few weeks’ time, unfortunately walked most of the way in the rain. However, she remained undaunted and although she initially intended to take two days over the walk she completed it in one day. She

Donation to Autism Rocks (Fife)

Donation to Autism Rocks (Fife)


Prior to the AGM, President Heather presented a cheque for £850 to Liza Quinn of Autism Rocks (Fife). Autism Rocks has been the Club’s main Charity for this year and President Heather was delighted to donate this cheque to them. Liza Quinn accepted the cheque on behalf of the charity and said that this was a fantastic amount of money raised by the Club. Autism Rocks receives no funding from Government sources and relies on donations from the general public. She said that they support 1500 families in Fife and the money will be used for Art & Craft activities and also to hold a ‘pool party’ for the families. Liza commented that they will be having an Arts & Craft stall at the Silverburn Festival, Leven, on 28/29 July and the families will be making crafts for this event. She again thanked the Club

Litter Pick in Middle Den

Litter Pick in Middle Den

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On a beautiful Saturday in April 10 members and a prospective member joined forces to clean up Middle Den opposite Kirkcaldy High School. When we didn’t find too much rubbish lying on the path we moved outwards amongst the trees and found plastic, paper and some bottles. We also found aluminium cans which we collected separately to be recycled. After our exertions we went to Tranquility for a well-earned lunch.

Re-Act, Refugee Aid

Re-Act, Refugee Aid


Our speaker on Monday 12 March was Jan McCall who told us about her involvement over the past three years with “Re-Act”, which was set up by her friends. ‘Re-Act, Refugee Action Scotland’ is a volunteer run Not-For-Profit Humanitarian Aid Co-operative launched in response to the increasing refugee crisis. Using a photo PowerPoint presentation, she spoke about their efforts in the refugee camps in Greece, Lebanon, Syria and the Yemen. Jan, who retired over 10 years ago, worked in the NHS and was involved with establishing Rachel House.