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President’s Message


President Rosemary’s Address


I would like to say how honoured I am that such an amazing group of women have trusted me with representing them as their President in the club’s 98 th year.

I am proud to be working with women who want to make a difference in the world and to help our own local community. Each and every woman brings different experiences and skills to share with everyone.

My chosen charities for this year are supporting the “Stars Carers“ team of The  Marie Curie who helped our family so much when my husband was seriously ill.

I have also chosen the RNLI, who we have always  supported as a family, when we sailed with friends, many of whom continue to fundraise for such a vital service.  It is the Lifeboat Institute’s  200 th anniversary this year and through my previous contact with their charity, I look forward to sharing with you some RNLI fundraising activities around the city. This will begin with a St George’s Day celebration on the “Floating Grace” barge in support of the RNLI.


My vision for the future of the club in my year is that it will go from strength to strength with many exciting activities as well as fundraising for our chosen charities. I look forward to welcoming  several new members who have expressed an interest in joining the club.

I have a strong and vibrant executive and believe in a democratic approach for all. Every club member has a voice and something to offer in changing the lives of women and girls in the city and beyond.


Rosemary McNamara

28th April 2024