St Albans & District Soroptimists Oranged the world (well Hertfordshire anyway!).
SI London Chilterns Region is very proud that the photo montage produced by the St Albans & District Soroptimist Club won the SIGBI Photo of the month competition for January 2022.
Please watch the video on YouTube

The Club had coverage in the Herts Advertiser at the start of the campaign
Since the murders of Sarah Everard and Sabina Nessa the need to take action has never been more important.
Between 25 November – 10 December 2021, buildings all over Hertfordshire lit up Orange raising awareness of 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence. It is a call to action and to raise awareness at a local, national, and international level about violence against women and girls.
Please click here to see the Information Pack produced for the campaign:
Orange the world Information Pack_ Soroptimist International St Albans and District 2021-low res
If you need further information please contact
Ending violence against women is everyone’s business!