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Ghanaian Evening

Ghanaian Evening


We had a lovely Ghanaian Evening with delicious food cooked by Liz and her family. Everyone enjoyed the food and some managed to eat outside in spite of being buzzed by wasps. Some took part in a dance lead by Liz to music from Ghana. She displayed colourful goods, typical of the country. £270 was raised for our charities.   In all a great fun evening. Thank you Liz. Rose Marginson      

Strawberry Tea

Strawberry Tea


Our Strawberry Tea was held in Susan and David’s lovely garden on 12th August. Over 20 members and friends enjoyed sandwiches, scones, cakes as well as strawberries and cream. Proceeds will go to St Ann’s Hospice.

Speaker from Styal Prison

Speaker from Styal Prison


Eddie Tarry, Community Engagement Manager at Styal Prison spoke at our August meeting. His role is wide ranging and he received the Butler Trust commendation from Princess Anne in 2011. Styal opened as a female prison in 1962 having previously been an orphanage and a refugee camp. Styal offers a variety of activities, including education and vocational training, enabling women to gain employment on their release. Notable among these are the Clink Restaurant, an annual entry in the Tatton Flower Show (for which they have received a number of medals) and Recycling Lives, a waste management company. A most interesting and enlightening insight.

Speaker from MASH

Speaker from MASH


At our July Club meeting our speaker was Cate Allison, Chief Executive of Manchester Action on Street Health (MASH). The charity offers advice and support to women in sex work. It started in 1991 with a small van that provided condoms and clean injecting equipment. Now there is also a drop-in centre and outreach service. MASH services include safety advice, refreshments, free condoms, a needle exchange and support with debts, benefits, homelessness and domestic violence. In addition, activities to build confidence and develop life skills are available. In 2018 the charity received the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service.

Junior Royal Northern College of Music Prizegiving

Junior Royal Northern College of Music Prizegiving


Yvonne was invited to present the Helen Latto Soroptimist Prize for Singing at the Junior Royal Northern College of Music (JRNCM) as usual this year. Unfortunately she was in hospital at the time so I deputised for her.  There were two recipients this year, Mia Serracino-Inglott and Imogen Parsley. Helen Latto was President of S I Manchester in 1980-81. She was an Aberdonian, trained as a pharmacist in Scotland, then moved south and opened her own pharmacy in Moss Side.  Helen was introduced to Soroptimism by Ivy Roberts, lecturer in pharmacy at the University of Manchester and Club President in 1941. During Helen’s Presidency she organised a charity event at a music school in Whalley Range which had a link to the Royal Northern College of Music. The singing of the children during this event enhanced Helen’s love of music and led to her involvement

Toys for St Mary’s SARC

Toys for St Mary’s SARC


President Barbara, Val and Rose were pleased to present Charlotte Batra and Claire Fawcett, the children’s crisis worker, with toys for the children who are referred to St Marys Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC). The club has supported the Centre in a number of different ways over many years – it is sad that this is needed but we hope the toys  give some enjoyment. Rose Marginson

Membership Evening at the Pankhurst Centre

Membership Evening at the Pankhurst Centre


As May is Membership Month we decided to arrange an event. Thanks to the Pankhurst Trust we were able to have a fairly informal evening at the Pankhurst Centre on 24th May. The event was posted on Facebook and members were asked to spread the word amongst friends and acquaintances. Four people came to hear more about us from seven of our members, including Liz and Sue – two of our newest members –  who were free that evening.  President Barbara and I explained about the organisation and the work we do and then everyone had a chance to chat. It was a very enjoyable evening and our four guests hope to attend other events. Thank you to all who attended and to Gail for use of the venue. It is always a pleasure to spread the word about S I Manchester. Rose Marginson   The

Mug Packing Evening

Mug Packing Evening


Another successful mug packing evening was held on 29th May . Over a hundred mugs were filled with sachets of tea , coffee, chocolate, sugar, milk and a biscuit  ready to be delivered to Manchester Women’s Aid for their refuges . Each woman who goes to a refuge is given one so she can make hot drinks in her own mug. Thanks to Pat for the use of her kitchen and being a great host . Rose Marginson

Visitor from Uganda

Visitor from Uganda


Susan, Sue, Rose , and  Margaret (from Leigh Club) met President Barbara and Patrick at the Lowry Theatre for coffee and a chat . Patrick is Act4Africa’s Head of Uganda Operations . It was his first visit to the UK and he had come for the 2018 Commonwealth Study Conference Global Leadership Programme. While here he was also meeting supporters of the charity. Patrick spoke about Kathy’s Centre and the work they are doing providing vulnerable women and children from the area close to Mayuge with vital health and support services, pre-school education, a youth club and agricultural, enterprise and financial literacy training . It was lovely to hear first hand the work they are doing particularly as we are looking to support Act4Africa’s work.   Rose Marginson