St Mary’s SARC 30th Anniversary Launch Event
2016 marks 30 years since the opening of St Mary’s Sexual Assault Referral Centre and 10 years since their specialised paediatricservices began. President Elect Molly and 6 members were pleased to attend their event at HOME Manchester on Thursday 28th January to launch this 30:10 Anniversary year. Speakers at the event were Councillor Paul Murphy OBE, Lord Mayor of Manchester, Dr Rainie Roberts, the founding Clinical Director, and Dr Catherine White OBE, the present Clinical Director. Roger Graef, the Documentary Producer, spoke about the impact of and showed excerpts from his documentary ‘A Complaint of Rape’ made in 1982, which marked a watershed in changing the way rape cases are handled by the police and other agencies. Sarah Hardy and Blue Ryan spoke about and showed excerpts from their documentary ‘The Unspeakable Crime Rape’ made at St Mary’s and broadcast in 2013. The event was attended by staff and many friends of