Medway and Maidstone Soroptimists Supporting ‘Wear Your Pearls Day’
January 20th was an important date as it marked the inauguration of a new President in the USA and Kamala Harris as their first female Vice President and first woman of colour.
A campaign group on Facebook had started in December 2020 with the initial goal to give women a way to empower each other as they celebrate this milestone for womankind. Women were being asked to pledge to wear pearls on Inauguration Day to support the country’s first female Vice President. It is about Empowered Women Empowering Women Supporting a Woman. They wanted as many women and young ladies to wear their pearls on the Inauguration Day and this message reached worldwide across many women’s groups including Soroptimist International.
Medway and Maidstone Soroptimists wanted to show their support to empowering women and show solidarity by proudly wearing their pearls on Inauguration Day and this was captured and shown on our Facebook page.
It is also notable that in 2021 when Soroptimists from across the world will join together to celebrate 100 years of Soroptimist International (SI) and celebrate a ‘Bright Past’ and a ‘Brilliant Future’ that Kamala Harris the new Vice-President was born in Oakland California where the first Soroptimist club started in 1921.