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Who did we welcome as a new member in November?

We met Liz Owsley at the Regional AGM in September as she had recently become an Associate member. Liz said she wanted to  come along to a Medway and Maidstone club meeting to find out more about us. We were really pleased that she decided to become a member of our club.

At our November club meeting, Carol Infanti  presented Liz  with her name badge. Liz spoke about her 30 years with the Metropolitan Police, with the latter part of her career as National Coordinator for the British Association for Women in Policing (BAWP) dealing with gender equalities. She is now retired and is involved as a trustee with the Amuka Foundation in Kenya.

The Amuka Foundation was set up to change the lives of young people in Kenya, providing them with the education and skills they need. They focus on the prevention and relief of poverty by advancing education, health and well- being and improving the long-term conditions within which these young people live.

Liz likes to run, although her competitive days are over, she loves walking and has completed many long-distance trails; golf is also her passion and travel to visit many countries.