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Soroptimists Supporting Byron’s UNICEF Book Sale

The Soroptimists and a Parent Representative ran the UNICEF Book Sale at the School Fayre on 4 July.

Requests had gone out via the Byron School Newsletter to families and to our club members asking for donations of good quality second hand children’s books to be donated for the UNICEF Book Sale.

A school room was allocated to hold the Book Sale and a parent representative along with Jane and Stella Barnes sorted through the bags of donated books, priced them up using a token system of 1;2 or 4 tokens where 1 token = 25 pence, and displayed them ready for the Byron children to come and make their purchases.

The UNICEF Book Sale was well supported and £80.70 was raised and sent to UNICEF to be used to purchase books and pencils to go to Syria and Turkey.

Following the earthquake in Turkey and Syria on 6 February, millions of people have been affected. UNICEF are especially concerned for the safety and well-being of children who have lost their homes, those who are sleeping rough in freezing temperatures, and those who have been separated from their families. in Syria they are setting up temporary learning spaces and supplying education supplies for 50,000 children and in Turkey are working with partners to develop a plan to get children back into the classroom.

In the July School Newsletter when the outcome was reported it included this message, ‘Thanks is owed to Soroptimists Jane and Stella who work in partnership with us and Mrs Reeve for giving up their time to run the event. Without their help this would not have been possible! Thanks so much everyone!