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Beach Clean

Beach Clean


Medway Soroptimists will be taking part in the Marine Conservation Society’s National Beach Clean on Sunday 16th September this year.  The aim of the exercise is to not only remove the litter from the beach but to analyse it and pass on detailed information to the MCS in the hope that they can identify the source of the litter and take action.   This year’s event in Lower Upnor is already full partly because the beach is quite small.   However, if anyone is interested in organising a similar event in, say Grain, please get in touch with the Marine Conservation Society – they will be delighted. To find out more visit the Marine Conservation Society at

Medway Youth Awards

Medway Youth Awards


  Medway Soroptimists Supporting First Medway Youth Awards on Tuesday, 10 July, at Priestfield Stadium, Gillingham. Medway Youth Council in partnership with Medway Council and other organisations have been encouraging members of the public to nominate young people and adults for the 2018 Medway Youth Awards. The awards, which are being held for the first time this year, aim to help recognise and celebrate the remarkable people who are living, working or attending school in Medway and are helping the community thrive. On the night a group of Medway Soroptimists will be attending this event where they will be hearing about amazing young people who have gone above and beyond to help others Other young people who have overcome difficulties, or who have shown courage and resilience. Those nominated will be made up of young people who attend a school or youth club, who live or work in Medway And are aged between 11 and

Awareness, Advocacy, & Action for Justice

Awareness, Advocacy, & Action for Justice


Jane and Janet will be attending the Study Day in Belfast at the Europa Hotel on 7 July 2018. The title is ‘Awareness, Advocacy, & Action for Justice’, through the 3Es ( Educate, Enable and Empower). The intention is to feedback to the membership about progress on: the Prison Reform Work the contribution our Transforming Lives Report has made to the agenda, in particular the ‘Transforming Lives’ project funded for 3 years by the Big Lottery; the full results of the slavery survey and how the information gleaned will help address the problems of slavery and trafficking across the UK. Jane and Janet are looking forward to meeting up with old and new Soroptimist friends from across the Federation in Belfast.  On their return they will be feeding back to the wider club membership at the Medway club meeting on 12 July and the Maidstone club meeting on 17 July.

Jane reports from the Race for Life

Jane reports from the Race for Life


The 5 of us joined 600 other women and children to take part in Race for Life 5km event. Jules joined the runners and completed in 48 mins whilst Wanda, Jenny, Jess and myself walked the route in just over an hour. The weather was absolutely gorgeous and Jenny gave us some insight into the sights we passed on local history and interesting landmarks. A rock choir serenaded us on the way out and on the return whilst clapping and cheering us on. There were many messages in memory of those lost to cancer as well as survivors. They announced the donations from the 600 amounted to £55k and will go to cancer research. Our combined donations are in excess of £350 plus gift aid. A big thank you to all those who have kindly donated and any still wanting to can as it is

Race For Life

Race For Life


The Medway Soroptimists will be part of Cancer Research UK Race for Life on Sunday 27 May 2018 from 11am at Great Lines Park, Great Lines, Gillingham, ME7 5DE. The ladies will be running and walking in memory of Anthea, a much loved and sadly missed Medway Soroptimist ❤️ Why not join them. If you’d like to, please leave a message below and we’ll be in touch. And if you’d like to make a donation, you can find their Giving page by clicking on the link below and then searching for ‘Medway Soroptimists’. Good luck ladies!

Fashion Show Success

Fashion Show Success


We would like to thank everyone who attended our Fashion Show with Travelling Trends. Our wonderful volunteer models did a amazing job modelling a range of clothes to our enthusiastic audience. We had a fun evening with over 90 Soroptimists and friends raising more than £1000 in ticket sales and a raffle. This figure will increase with commission from clothes sales . Proceeds will be split between the Meru Garden Project and Ovarian Cancer Action.

Ovarian Cancer Talk In Memory of Anthea

Ovarian Cancer Talk In Memory of Anthea

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Sadly our friend and fellow Soroptimist, Anthea Parnell, has lost her battle with ovarian cancer. A few of our members share their memories of Anthea; Liz, “Anthea was our Club President from 1998 to 1999.  I’ve had a look back through our activities that year and Anthea brought her usual mix of fun and thoughtfulness to the programme.  We had some really interesting speakers and our activities focused on raising awareness of various issues, especially street children, landmines, domestic abuse and young carers.  We supported the Jaipur Limb Scheme, and Anthea’s particular passion was the National Meningitis Trust, for which Anthea encouraged us to raise a substantial donation.  I especially remember Anthea’s Presidential Lunch, which was held on the Kent and East Sussex Steam Railway and a great day out!”. Lillian “One of my first duties  when I was  president was to go with the

Charity Fashion Show

Charity Fashion Show


Medway Towns Soroptimists are hosting a charity fashion show by Travelling Trends on Thursday 17th May 2018. Join us at 7pm at The Franklin Rooms, 65 Franklin Road, Gillingham. ME7 4DG. Price £8 which includes a welcome drink. To book or for further information please contact Angela Howe email Raffle prizes gratefully received. Proceeds towards Cancer Research in memory of Anthea Parnell.          

Raising Awareness of Ovarian Cancer

Raising Awareness of Ovarian Cancer


A woman dies from ovarian cancer every two hours, yet the diagnosis and treatment lags behind high profile diseases like prostate or breast cancer. Ovarian Cancer Action – a UK charity dedicated to beating the sixth most common cancer in women aims to empower women, to give them a voice, and to create a better future for the thousands of mothers, partners, sisters, daughters and friends affected by this disease. Ross Little from Ovarian Cancer Action will be coming to the Medway Soroptimist meeting on 8th March giving a talk to raise awareness. With no national screening programme and a low survival rate it’s vital that everyone is educated about the disease and its symptoms so cases can be identified early. Women diagnosed at stage 1 have a 90% survival rate compared to 19% at stage 3. Find out more at 7.30pm Thursday 8th March

Lunch for Meru

Lunch for Meru


Seven members of SI Medway Towns enjoyed a lunch in aid of The Meru Garden Project at the London Beach Hotel in Tenterden last Sunday. It was a really good event and the London Beach donated £1825 which is £25 per person to Federation President Sue Biggs and Regional President Jane Webb. Sue Biggs acknowledged the work done by South East Region towards the target which is currently £105k and means have been able to deliver twice as much support to date. SI Medway Towns did very well in the raffle, Wanda won first prize of tickets to Visit Great Dixter and Janice a signed book.