We were honoured to have the Chair of SI Foundation, Sue Williams, with us on the evening. It was a delightful event attended by our friends. The delicious buffet was prepared by our members which was enjoyed by all. Many thanks to all our members and our quiz master, Pam Cooper (Secretary), for the entertaining evening 🙂
Give your brain a workout at our Quiz Night, an evening of fun, food and friendship.
Our quiz nights are always enjoyable, relaxing and not too competitive – a chance to get together and enjoy some food for the body and food for the mind.
Discover interesting facts like…
* Which civilisation created Machu Picchu? 

* Who was England’s first female dentist? 

Tickets are of £10, to include buffet and tea / coffee. The tickets will be sent by e-mail; hence, the e-mail requiring a ticket can be sent to our Secretary, Pam Cooper, at cooperpageo21@aol.com. The payment can be made either by cheque or bank transfer. The details will be sent by e-mail to the people who show interest in attending the night.
If you want alcoholic drinks, please, bring your own and remove the bottle / cans afterwards.
All names and addresses will be kept confidential, and the information will be destroyed after the event.
Please, feel free to share the event with your friends as friends make good times better