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UPDATE: Intergenerational Discussion about Climate – 26/01/2023

We want to open an honest discussion about our fears, concerns and hopes and we think it would be a good opportunity to bring people together across the generational divide to, hopefully, find common ground, and learn from one other’s knowledge and experience.
Research shows there are typically four reasons people do not want to talk about climate change:
• I do not know enough
• I do not want to talk about scary things
• I do not think I can make a difference
• I do not want to cause an argument
This is a safe, supportive forum in which to exchange views and explore our feelings. Here are some initial questions to get us thinking:
• What do you see as the biggest threat facing us, as human beings?
• When did you become aware of environmental issues?
• What, if any, action have you taken to address climate change?
• How did you become involved with climate action? What or who inspired you?
• Have you any ideas around how we can work together to secure a sustainable future?
We are grateful to be having Michael Archibald (a young person, active with the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle Justice & Peace Network) and team get discussion rolling on Jitsi Meet (online) between 7 and 9 p.m.
Use our Contact Us form to confirm your attendance and the details for joining the meeting will be sent nearer the time to you; alternatively, register your interest on our Facebook handle (click here to access the event’s page) and the details will be sent through Facebook Messenger.
UPDATE (26/01/2023)
Our meeting went extremely well. A big thanks to our main speaker Michael Archibald and all the attendees, especially, Angela Hulm from Bromley Soroptimists, for giving their precious time to this important topic of today’s age.
The following were the thoughts shared by the attendees about what we could do for a sustainable future:
I would like to see junk mail stopped! So much wasted paper, wasted printing, postage and time spent re-cycling it all.
I’m conscious of my single use plastic use and trying to eliminate this where possible, by making ‘planet friendly’ choices. For sustainable future, if we can support community action and programmes to reduce consumption, and re-use, or recycle / upcyle items. Greener and cleaner shop in Bromley sounded like a great idea, shared by Angela Hulm.
Urge the government to introduce a new law that will hold UK companies to account when their activities lead to human rights and environmental abuses.
We cannot alone save the planet, but we can all make changes within our daily lives to contribute to the bigger effort. Suggestions like cutting out meat for a few days a week, taking holidays (for those for whom it is affordable) nearer to home, buying local produce and recycling old items rather than buying new are things we can all commit to.
I think we can look out for local initiatives – litter picks etc.
Small steps and changes in my own life can make a difference.