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From Local to Global: Women Shaping the Future of Participation

From Local to Global: Women Shaping the Future of Participation


Women (and men) from across the UK and all over the world will gather at the United Nations headquarters in New York 10-21 March to develop key points on future development, economic growth, and participation of women and girls in all areas of life. The 58th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women will focus on the review of the Millennium Development Goals due to be met next year. The UK NGO CSW Alliance was formed in 2011 and brigs together organisations and individuals interested and working at the international level on women’s rights. Annette Lawson OBE, Co-Chair from London says, “this year is really significant as we will be influencing what happens globally on development for the next generation”. “We want to make sure that the voice of UK women is heard and that the UK is active in implementing what is

Charities Fair on 5 April 2014

Charities Fair on 5 April 2014


Middlesbrough Soroptimists, a local women’s group, are holding a Charities Fair on Saturday 5th April from 10 a.m. until 11.30 a.m. in St. Margaret’s Church Hall, The Oval, Brookfield, Middlesbrough. Tickets, to include tea or coffee and biscuit, cost £1 at the door or from Alwyn Kraus on 01642 325924. There will be stalls from various charities including hand-made cards for a local cancer charity and Indian goods in support of Soroptimist charitable work in a village near Pune. Other charities raising awareness of their work include Marie Curie Cancer Care, Justice First and Water Aid. There will also be a tombola and home-made cake stall. For further information, contact SI Middlesbrough secretary Pam Cooper at either 01642 531109 or

IWD Event at Acklam Grange Schol, Middlesbrough

IWD Event at Acklam Grange Schol, Middlesbrough


Keith Mallard, Deputy Head teacher (left of pic) hosted a panel of celebrity judges including Prof Gerda Roper, Dean of school of Arts & Media Teesside Uni (centre) & Felicity Finch, BBC Radio 4 actor & reporter – voice of Ruth in The Archers (far right), today in celebration of International Women’s Day. The idea that inspired this event came from Middlesbrough Soroptimist, Hema Ayupala (front row, 3rd from right) and was coordinated by other Soroptimist International members in the Middlesbrough club. Of some 30 teenagers competing on this occasion, 14 yr-old Lucy Pottinger was placed first for her song and presentation about her mother’s experiences of cancer.  

International Women’s Day 2014

International Women’s Day 2014


International Women’s Day 2014 was commemorated memorably in Middlesbrough Town Hall on Saturday and thanks to all the attendees. Kath Sainsbury’s speech about the issues concerning asylum seekers and refugees in Teesside was moving and all the stands got some interested attention – including SIM’s own. If anyone is able to support SIM and promotion of International Women’s Day, as the week progresses, please, come and see the year 9 performances at Acklam Grange School on Friday ahead (14/03/2014) from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

A Woman of Influence – In celebration of International Women’s Day 2014

A Woman of Influence – In celebration of International Women’s Day 2014


On 14th March 2014, up to 60 fourteen year-old (year 9) students at Acklam Grange School, Middlesbrough, will compete with their own original performances in front of a panel of celebrity and local judges; and in front of their year group, also. Judges include BBC Radio 4 actor/reporter Felicity Finch (the voice of Ruth in The Archers) and also Professor Gerda Roper who is Dean of the school of Arts and Media at Teesside University. The students will be dancing, reciting poems and offering up Powerpoint Presentations concerning women of achievement and/or influence, whom they admire. Regrettably, this is not open to the public, since space is limited; however, the school hopes to mount a reprise of the performances at a later date, which may have a wider audience. The event was conceived by Middlesbrough Soroptimist, Hema Ayupala and has been assisted by other members

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day


On 8th March 2014 – International Women’s Day – Middlesbrough Borough Council has coordinated an event in the Town Hall with speakers and stalls to focus on issues female in our area entitled ‘Inspiring Change’. It will run from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. SIM member Kath Sainsbury is a keynote speaker at the venue, detailing information about Justice First, a Teesside charity, which supports asylum seekers and refugees; and other SIM members will be manning a stall to showcase some of our recent activities and concerns.