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Now Invested

We were delighted to present President Elect Uzma with her chain of office at our recent meeting.

Contribution to The Bungalow Partnership

SI Middlesbrough have worked alongside The Bungalow Partnership for a number of years by providing treats for the families at Easter and Christmas, knitted teddies for the children, and general support for the work of the organisation. Our latest contribution in preparation for the festive

Welcome back!

We are delighted to welcome back our President Elect Uzma who has had a long stay in Pakistan dealing with family issues.

Report of 75th anniversary afternoon tea.

45 members and guests gathered at St. Cuthbert’s Parish Centre in Marton to enjoy a delicious tea and to celebrate the 75 year Anniversary of SI Middlesbrough. Proceedings began with a welcome from President Geraldine, who reflected on the social issues of 1945 in the

A memorable day

Thanks to all who supported our 75th anniversary Tea and particularly for donations received. It was a day to remember!

Join us for talk on Modern Slavery

Kim Ann Williamson MBE, SIGBI Assistant Programme Director (Peace) will be addressing our meeting on Teams on Thursday 21 October at 6.45pm on the vital subject of Modern Slavery Awareness – What makes Soroptimists unique? All welcome to join for this rare opportunity. Joining details

Women scientists

Good to see our lockdown project book “Overcoming the Odds” about women scientists is getting as far as SI Bournemouth for prizes in their STEM challenge with students. Well done SI Bournemouth!