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Enough is Enough – to violence against women and girls

Enough is Enough – to violence against women

Enough is Enough campaign March 2022

On 1 March 2022 the Home Home Secretary  launched a new, multi-year national communications campaign which says ‘Enough’ to violence against women and girls. 

Click here to read the full launch news story.

Click here to see the video on your tube.  We can challenge abuse when we see it. Even small acts can help.  Alongside advertising there is a new website, click here.  The new website includes ways you can help.

And the Mayor of London with  Ogilvy UK have unveiled a new campaign to address sexist attitudes and inappropriate male behaviour that has led to the epidemic of misogyny and male violence against women and girls nationwide.

The ‘Have a word with yourself, then your mates’ fully integrated campaign was conceived by Ogilvy UK as a pro bono partnership with the Mayor of London. It launched on 14 March 2022 with a hero film, which puts the onus on men challenging them to stop being a bystander and take action when they see misogynistic behaviour and harassment.  Click here   to view the website and video.

Please share and raise awareness about this new initiative.