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Looking for help?

If you need support and advice with any of the issues we support, please contact our link charities directly as they are set up to deal with your enquiry.

MK Act  0344 375 4307 Mon to Friday 9 to 5pm (four outside normal hours call the National helpline on 0808 2000 247)
Safe, emergency accommodation and support from domestic violence
YMCA Hostel  01908 295600 or email on
Emergency & accommodation crisis
YMCA Milton Keynes
1 North Sixth Street
Milton Keynes
Works for Us  01908 200186
Supporting people into employment
UnityMK (formerly known as Winter Night Shelter)
Welfare Team on 07549 609427 (all other enquiries call 07494 250 251)
Unity Park Station (401 Elder Gate, MK9 1LR)
Welfare team email:
Providing temporary accommodation, meals and advice to the homeless
Ukraine Apeal
Church Of Christ, The Cornerstone,
300 Saxon Gate West,
Red Cross  01908 578343
Emergency support, refugee support & disability aids
Page update 13 November 2023