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Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July

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Plastic Free July is an annual initiative which provides resources and ideas to help you reduce single use plastic and help save our planet. About the challenge – Plastic Free July provides resources and ideas to help you (and millions of others around the world) reduce single-use plastic waste.  Do you want help to start living plastic free or just create new habits and use less? Join millions worldwide in the Plastic Free July challenge today! Click here to go to the Plastic Free July website where you can learn more and sign up to the challenge. Members of Soroptimist International Milton Keynes have renewed their Green Pledges to support this initiative.  Here is what we are doing in 2024: Never buy plastic bags – use for life bags or natural fiber lifetime bags or make own out of recycled materials. Walk to the local

June 2024 update

June 2024 update

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What have we been doing these last 3 months.                                Our “90 challenges”, celebrating SIGBI’s 90 years this year as a Federation are going well.  We have already achieved 5 challenges, which impressed the Regional Conference we hosted in June.  A little more about that later. At the end of March we donated 90 new and slightly used bras to Smalls for Us.  A UK charity that collects underwear for people in Africa and the UK who can’t afford or can’t get any.  Because Dignity matters. The  second  90  challenge  was  taking  part  in  MK Foodbank’s MK Logo challenge for Easter.  They asked communities, schools, groups and businesses if they could make up their logo or an easter picture in food items.  We made up our logo with just over 90 items of food as well as donating over 100

Afternoon Tea 6 March celebrating International Women’s Day

Afternoon Tea 6 March celebrating International Women’s Day

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This year the Unite Nations theme for International Women’s Day is “Invest in Women”.  In a world facing multiple crises that are putting immense pressure on communities, achieving gender equality is more vital than ever. Ensuring women’s and girls’ rights across all aspects of life is the only way to secure prosperous and just economies, and a healthy planet for future generations. Again this year we are holding our Afternoon Tea event, Wednesday 6 March 3.30pm at MK Snap.  We are delighted to have Louisa Hobbs, Operations Manager as out speaker.  She will be talking to us about achieving a workd record and feeding thousands in our comunity. We would love to have our company.  Come and enjoy afternoon tea and at the same time your ticket donations will raise vital funds for the charities we support who are: MK Act – Women’s Refuge YMCA

October update on what we have been upto

October update on what we have been upto

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And what have we been up to lately August started with a delivery to MK Act of a full car load of bed linen, towels, glasses, crockery, cutlery and other small kitchen goods and bedding goods for those families moving out of MK Act.  We wish them all the very best in their new lives.      On the 19 August we had our wonderful annual Fish and Quiz evening at Simpson Church, courtesy of Miss Quiz. It was a sellout evening, all raffles won. The Fish and Chips were delicious, would recommend and our tables of quizzers did very well (we were up against some demon quizzers), but it was all good fun. The evening raised over £500 and we have already donated £400 to MK Act towards their summer activities fund to pay summer activities for the children and families in their care

MK Foodbank MK Can New World Record

MK Foodbank MK Can New World Record

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Soroptimists in Milton Keynes may be a small club, but we are always keen to help our community and so back in July, when we heard about MK Foodbank’s plans for the MK Can event to break the Guinness World Record for the number of tinned food cans in a continous line, we thought could we do this. All our tins dropped off and ready to be taken round to our section, 11 crates with 42 tins in each. The outline of the record attempt was that on Monday 16 October (World Food Day) MK Foodbank along with businesses, clubs, churches, schools, parish councils, organisations and charities throughout Milton Keynes would attempt to break the world record for the number of tin cans in a continuous line.  The record was made in 2014 in Canada and stood at 44,966.  MKFoodbank wanted to aim for 10km

Heart and Music Event

Heart and Music Event

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On the 14 October 2023 at the Mead Centre in Newport Pagnell we held our 3rd Charity fundraising Music event and they just keep on getting better. This year we were delighted to welcome the Heart and Music Choir who performed a varied and upbeat programme of songs to keep your toes tapping and putting you in a very good mood for the rest of the evening.  We had songs from Ruby Tuesday, I won’t send you Roses to Spirit of the Earth and Climb every mountain.  The singers really sung with such joy and enthusiam you could see the audience all smiling. The Heart and Music singers were formed in July 2010 to sing concerts (click here to view their website)  to raise funds for good causes.  Their first performance was at All Saints Church in Loughton in Sept 2010 to help raise funds

Viva Violet Awards 2023 – Women of Action

Viva Violet Awards 2023 – Women of Action

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Violet Richardson was the original founder of Soroptimist International, her motto was It’s what you do that counts and therefore, hence the name Violet Awards for “Women of Action”. On Friday 20 October, the current generation of members here in MK gathered at MK SNAP for their second Violet Awards evening, where local women were recognised for their unsung efforts in going above and beyond their normal roles in helping other women and girls calling upon the services of our charities and to help these women achieve their potential. SI:MK fundraises all year to help our chosen charities and community groups meet small gaps in provision for their clients. Currently we are supporting MK Act, MK YMCA, UnityMK (formerly Winter Night Shelter MK), Ukraine Appeal and Works for Us (now part of Citizens Advice MK). The awards were very kindly sponsored by Jan Flawn CBE

July update on what we have been up to

July update on what we have been up to

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What a great July branch meeting.  We were very fortunate to have Sarah Flain to speak to us about the charity Mummy’s Star.  Mummy’s Star is the only UK and Ireland charity helping women, partners and families diagnosed with cancer during pregnancy and/or within 12 months of giving birth. They provide a holistic approach with support and advice working with all professionals from medical to local authorities to ensure their clients are able to access the right help, the right support and that the support they give is personalised to meet their needs.  They do this totally relying on donations from individuals. This year the charity is celebrating their 10th anniversary and were set up by Peter Wallroth in memory of his wife Mair in 2013.  To find out more about this fantastic charity click here Click here to view Mummy’s Star Youtube link with

Mummys Star welcomed to our July meeting

Mummys Star welcomed to our July meeting

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Our July meeting was very inspirational and we have Sarah from Mummy’s Star for her talk about the charity she works for.  Mummy’s Star is the only UK and Ireland charity in helping women, partners and families diagnosed with cancer during pregnancy and/or within 12 months of giving birth. They provide an holistic approach with support and advice working with all professionals from medical to local authorities to ensure their clients are able to access the right help, the right support and that it is personalised to meet their needs and they do this totally relying on donations from individuals. This year they are celebrating their 10th anniversary and were set up by Peter Wallroth in memory of his wife Mair in 2013.  To find out more about this fantastic charity click on the following link Please spread the word about this amazing charity with

Feb 2024 presented SDAC to Ben Everitt MP
Specialist Domestic Abuse Courts – How special were they in 2022?

Specialist Domestic Abuse Courts – How special were they in 2022?

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Specialist Domestic Abuse Courts – a call for action “Specialist Domestic Abuse Courts – How special were they in 2022?” is a report prepared by members of Soroptimist International, a global volunteer women’s organisation. Some 160 members of the organisation have carried out structured observations of over 30 Specialist Domestic Abuse Courts across England. The information in the report shows a clear increase in the number of victims of domestic abuse, yet the system which was established and developed over a five-year period in 1999 as a special form of Magistrates Court set up to hear and provide specific support to the victims of domestic abuse, is falling short of the service which the public has a right to expect from these courts. Key findings include, amongst others: ·        Absence of specialist courts across the country. In some cases, this meant that victims of domestic abuse